They would be treated like any prospective TMI applicant
Can a student combine the TMI and NAOP awards (for example, can they use NAOP during the years they are not funded by TMI?)?
The TMI and NAOP are not separate funds. The NAOP also does not bring additional funds the UC San Diego. Student's home departments are responsible for funding students who qualify for the NAOP.
If a student is awarded the TMI and are also eligible for the TMINAOP, then the student will start their program with the TMI. Once the TMI award time frame ends and if they qualify for NAOP, then the department would be need to ensure the terms of the NAOP are filled. This may mean being financially responsible for covering the students tuition and fees. Departments may fulfill the requirements of the NAOP by requiring their students to GSR/TA/be employed by the department etc. Please see NAOP commitment here. You will notice the TMI provides more support than the NAOP.