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JSON Web Token (JWT) is a standard way of communicating data between two parties. UCSD uses the JWT specification for communicating identity information between our API Managers and back end services. 


4) Check the expiration claim to make sure that the JWT is still valid. (Note: the expiration claim is a unix timestamp in seconds, not miliseconds)



Most claims are in the format of a URL for guaranteed uniqueness. The URL format does not imply that there is a resource located at that URL.


WSO2 populates the JWT with a number of application specific claims. 

Display Name
Claim Uri
Mapped Attribute (s)
UCSD Mapping
Employee IDEmployee ID
Student IDStudent ID (PID)
RACFIDracf/mainframe id
AD UsernameThe user's Active Directory user name
Network User IDkerberos/network username
Department Codeslist of comma separated department codes in payroll
System IDA persistent unique identifier for this user. This a GUID and is only relevant to the SOA set of services. Unlike all other identifiers, these will never be recycled and should be used as the user's primary ID in the remote system.

Following are claims used by BYU and are provide for reference only

Value netid of the user that subscribed to this API. WSO2 application identifier. name of this application. throttling tier assigned to this application.

The context used in this API call (may or may not include version). version of this API. throttling tier assigned to this user. type of keys used in this call. Possible values are "PRODUCTION" or "SANDBOX". type of OAuth 2.0 grant used for authorization. "APPLICATION_USER" for grant types that include a Resource Owner (authorization_code, implicit, resource owner password). "APPLICATION" for those that only have a Client (client credentials).

The netid of the resource owner in the form of "netid@carbon.super"

The WSO2 tenant id. (This value can be ignored since we don't have multiple tenants) OAuth 2.0 client id used for authorization. (This value is WSO2 claim but was added by BYU)


All other values in the table should be filled in with the appropriate information.


Relationship records should only be added for applications under the control of a BYU entity. There is no need to add them for individuals publishing their own applications. Currently there is no defined process for approving and adding these relationship records.
