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Graduate Division will revise, submit, and sign off on all proposals for single-degree-seeking graduate students on which the student is listed as the Principal Investigator (PI). Click here to see Proposal Pre-Award Administration Matrix.

  • Joint Doctoral Students are included in this description. Dual degree students are not. Joint Doctoral Degrees will result in a single degree at completion. Dual Degrees will result in two degrees at completion.

    titleWhat to look for when determining if the student is the PI on the application
    • Is it the student's original research?
    • Who worked mostly on the proposal?
    • What role does the student's mentor play in the research? Are they training? Overseeing? Mentoring?
    • What is the purpose of the funding? What is the goal?

  • Exception: NASA Graduate Student Fellowships

    • NASA Fellowships list the faculty member as the PI but it is the student's research project and the faculty is functioning as the mentor
  • Graduate Division will NOT submit proposals for dual degree students or professional degree students. These students should contact HSSPO
    • examples: NIH F30, NIH F32
