How do you get to your home directory?
For researchers, enter ‘ls’ after logging in.
For admin), enter ‘cd /datasets/home/72/072/kkt008/’ then ‘ls’
How do you upload files from OneDrive files to your home directory?
For researchers:
No just navigate to the OneDrive folder via terminal and follow instructions here.
Afterwards, ssh into Research cluster and enter ‘ls’ to view files.
For me (admin):
At ‘sftp>’ step, enter ‘cd /datasets/home/72/072/kkt008/’. Then enter ‘put filename.txt’ to upload files.
How do you upload files to shared storage (e.g. lab, group, or USS storage)?
For researchers:
For saving to team shared storage enter ‘cd /uss/sharename’ (after sftp>) as a the step prior to uploading files. To view files after logging into the RC, enter ‘cd /dsmlp/teams’.
Expand title To upload files via the terminal to the group storage, proceed with the following steps: - Via the terminal navigate to the folder that stores the file(s).
- Enter ‘ls’ to list the files.
- Enter ‘sftp bah@dsmlp-login.ucsd.edu’ and enter your AD password.
- Enter ‘cd /uss/labname’.
- Entering this code will direct your uploads to the team storage. This command is not shown in the image below.
- Enter ‘put filename.txt’. Repeat this code for every file to be uploaded.
- Enter ‘exit’ or ‘quit’ when done uploading files.
- Next, ssh in the Research Cluster ‘ssh dsmlp-login.ucsd.edu’ and enter AD password
- Enter ‘cd /dsmlp/teams’ to view files in the shared storage.
For administrators:
At ‘sftp>’ step, enter ‘cd /uss’. Then 'cd /sharename'. Next, enter ‘put filename.txt’ to upload files.
Jupyter Notebook: File uploads
How to upload files in Jupyter Notebook?
Log in at datahub.ucsd.edu.
Launch your preferred environment.
Navigate to your teams folder.
Select ‘Upload’ to transfer new files.
Jupyter Notebook: Installing and Uninstalling Software/Packages
How do I view packages installed?
From your homepage, select ‘New’ > ‘Terminal’. In the Jupyter Notebook terminal, enter ‘pip list --user’.
How do I install packages in my home directory?Jupyter Notebook terminal:
From your homepage, select ‘New’ > ‘Terminal’. In the Jupyter Notebook terminal, enter ‘pip install <package>’
How do I uninstall packages from my home directory?
From your homepage, select ‘New’ > ‘Terminal’. In the Jupyter Notebook terminal, enter ‘pip uninstall <package>’