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The Financial Support Request Tool (FSRT) is being replaced with the new Financial Support Payments Tool (FSPT). The implementation team has put critical and intentional thought into what the initial release of each module will includeMVP is, taking into consideration the most urgent policy priorities, realistic technical limitations of integrated systems, and the pain points most often expressed by our campus partners across the graduate financial support community. Still, the team recognizes that there will be further enhancements - both required and desired - to refine the functionality of the tool, and we are already planning ahead for those needs. In addition to those the implementation team has identified, we want to hear your ideas for enhancement. Please complete the FSPT Enhancement Request Form to submit an enhancement request for the FSPT. A Services & Support ticket will be automatically opened for each form submission, so that the implementation team can follow up with you as needed. Additionally, this will allow the team to prioritize and organize the enhancements requests. While all ideas will be reviewed and taken into consideration, please keep in mind that there are limits to what enhancements are currently actionable, and we may not be able to address or respond to every idea. Non-critical enhancements will not be put into place for the initial go-live, but will be considered for future implementation in the FSPT. The process for evaluating and incorporating enhancements is still being developed and will be shared when it is available. |
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Find the MS Teams Channel dedicated to FSPT here. |