Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are available for user acceptance testing (UAT) in Hana Production,
Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress.
For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office. Please reach out to them directly.
Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests.
As we've adapted the AH views to your needs, we have found changing field names is painful for both report developers and our team due to the name change breaking reports, data integrations and packages / data sources. In an effort to avoid this pain, we are going to introduce a new name change strategy.
MONTH #1 ANNOUNCEMENT: ITS-BIA will release new fields with the revised field name in the views that contain the field to be renamed, or where a view is to be renamed ITS-BIA will release as a new view the view with the revised name. ITS-BIA will allow a transition period for report developers to repoint their reports at the new fields / views.
MONTH #2 SET TO NULL: ITS-BIA will remove the data from the old fields / views and allow a second transition period. This will not break the report but will highlight where the fields / views are still in use as they will become blank.
MONTH #3 REMOVE: ITS-BIA will deprecate the fields / views. Any reports the have not transitioned by this point will break.
We'll be using this strategy for the following deprecation of Student Legal Name fields.
SET TO NULL: The following fields will be set to null from the below Column Groups
Impacted Column Groups
BIA, in conjunction with the Registrar's Office, is excited to release the SAH-WaitlistAudit-View. This new view is a combination of elements form SAH-Demographics, SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View and Waitlist change dates. The SAH-WaitlistAudit-View will allow the Registrar's Office greater insight into changes made to the Waitlist and will support the report rebuilding efforts of the SIS Reporting Project.
Per our standard process, this view will be released to Production in June.
This view will update nightly and should not be used for same-day decisions as the waitlist changes can occur throughout the day just prior to the start of a term and during the first few weeks of a term. Waitlist information is captured every day of the year.
This view is intended for analysis of waitlist per course historically. The historical data found in ISIS can be found in this view.
Added the following fields:
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: IR Reporting Project
Added the following fields:
Withdrawal Expected End Term Census Date
Withdrawal Term Census Date