2023 Facilities Analytics CoP Meetings

2023 Facilities Analytics CoP Meetings

Meetings will vary in 2023 then may join with FIM COP in 2023.

Want to watch a recorded session? One Drive > Facilities Analytics CoP

Jira Time tracking for those who do: ACOP-533 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2023-12-12 Tuesday, Facilities ACOP






All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.

FACAH Status

No open bugs.

New request coming: Cluster Record URL & Floor Record URL (coming from Kate).

Facilities ACOP 2024

Blending with Tririga Community of Practice - potential name change.

Space Management Tools and Services


Goal: Combine the Facilities ACoP and Tririga CoP together

Team’s chat: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ABi3eidhg0VdpWo2r_2WLGH-sgI_-mLlwH4W8_1QVTQY1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=fd5b54c5-f427-4104-b723-0c1fd63b4041&tenantId=8a198873-4fec-4e76-8182-ca479edbbd60

FACAH Deep Links

The first time you use the deep link Tririga will ask you to log in and forget the deep link so you will need to click the link again.

Recommend letting your customers know that they should log in first before using the report.

Cognos: use the FACAH package in Cognos DEV > Team content > Facilities Activity Hub > Facilities Activity Hub Analytics Packages UAT (select Hana QA)

Tableau: use the FACAH data source with -QA at the end

If you see FACAH slow down, email busintel@ucsd.edu immediately with the location of the report so BIA can look at the SQL generating the report.

See recording for demo.

Historical Snapshots

Kirk: Where do we put the historical snapshots of Tririga requested by UCOP? Going back to 1999 potentially. Would allow for trend analysis of changing space over time.

Judy: So far we haven’t brought in any historic data in any activity hub, but we are open to having discussions on ensuring we have all the needed data and how that would be blended with the historical data.

Kirk: Just curious if there is an appetite for this data. The historically data may have a different layout so there would need to be some translation between history and now.

Shan: We have some appetite for this data, similar to PPS + EAH.

Kate: We have some appetite but our focus is on stabilization of Tririga first.

Judy: The FACAH has history starting the day we started loading data so we want to make sure we have all the fields you need now and for going forward.

2023-11-13 Monday, Facilities ACOP






All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.

FACAH Status

Known data integration issue: Cluster Allocations field is empty, fix in Hana QA and is scheduled to go to Hana Prod this Thursday 11/16.

Thursday 11/16 3pm - Any view being enhanced will be unavailable during the migration from Hana QA to Hana Prod. Notice will be on status.ucsd.edu. ~30min to 60min of unavailable.

Please check it out and let us know if you see any issues. Email busintel@ucsd.edu and let us know.


Last meetings: today and Dec 12.

Official Release Notice

Person details are missing in the details view. Andy and Kate working on it.

We need to see all b/c people pick the incorrect space.

Requesting Feedback

Eliud to provide report for this group’s feedback.


Report Priorities

1st report is the AB119 Compliance Report. It’s ready for Facilities ACOP people to look at the report and provide feedback.

What is being prioritized? https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FacAH/pages/466911394

Who is voting? Facilities ACOP and opening membership to others.

How / where are they voting? Reports will be presented in Facilities ACOP report then voting after.

How is communications going out?

Report Priorities

Short Term need vs Long Term needs: Everyone needs a better vacancy report.

Analytics vs Operations (data clean up) reports: Data needs to be cleaned up in Tririga before people come the incorrect conclusion based on what is currently available

FACAH Enhancements

FacAH Bugs and Enhancements in Progress

Jira Access request: https://support.ucsd.edu/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b

FACAH Releases

December UAT 12/7 and Prod 12/14

February UAT 2/8 and Prod 2/15

Next Time

Deep links w/ new Tririga URL

2023-10-30 Monday, Facilities ACOP






All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.

Student Employees

Kate: I’m seeing students who are no longer an employee in UC Path showing in Tririga. Is that a Tririga issue or a limitation to what I can see in EAH? Maybe these students are employed by a department I cannot see.

Vlad: Some departments have requested that students be affiliated to them in Tririga based on their major.

Data quality request: Would like the students affiliated via major be removed so that only student employees are connected to the department.

Kirk: FIS Departments need to be mapped to PPS/UCPath Departments. Use this list: https://facilities.ucsd.edu/People/ETL/Affiliate/Employee/PPS/Default.htm Needed b/c Space Departments do not exist in UC Path.

Kirk: Email me if you need access to that link.

Kirk: There is another mapping for Students

Vlad: Affiliates use Sponsored Departments

Student Status

Shan: What do the student types mean?

Eliud: example - see recording. Row 2 = UCPath Requirements. Column A = Employee Class


https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/activity-hubs/ - will this be updated with how to request access?

Sarah: Yes. I missed the page you sent but I did update this page: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/sources/index.html

Sarah: Updated.

Data Value changes to a field - how best to communicate

Kirk will update Upstream Bugs and Enhancements (Tririga + AH impacts) with the announcement to be made.

Kirk will email busintel@ucsd.edu to let us know what changes are coming and when.

BIA will check Upstream Bugs and Enhancements (Tririga + AH impacts) and notify FACAH report developer via the ACOP meeting and email. If applicable BIA will also update the Quick Start Guide.

Tririga Departments

What Departments will be used? There is a realignment of Tririga Space Department into Oracle Financial Units.

Campus Request

Eliud: There is a request for a deep Link from Maximo Report into Maximo.

Vlad: Research into this shows that the Maximo data is transferred into the recharge record in Oracle, which people can see. Looking into Maximo would not provide any other information.

Eliud: There is another use case for deep links into Maximo.

Sarah: Here is our process for adding new data sources to an Activity Hub: Long Term Solution - Adding Data to Activity Hub

Cognos Sharing

Ready to share with other FACAH Developers? Save your report to Cognos DEV > Team Content > Business User Development > FACAH Beta Testing

2023-10-16 Monday, Facilities ACOP






All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.

FACAH Status

Data has been moved to Hana Prod

Tableau data sources / Cognos packages are Production versions - so go ahead and start building your long-term reports.

Known data integration issue: Cluster Allocations field is empty, fix in progress

Building Long/Lat

Pending data integration team. They have until Mon, Oct 30 in order for us to add these fields to Nov release.

Cluster Area Total

Deep Links

Is Eliud approved, then add to Nov release. Wed 10/25 at 3:30pm.

Andy has questions for Vlad, looking to add in Nov release.

FACAH Report Developer Access

  1. Send them to Eliud for more information

  2. Eliud will send them to the SNOW form to request access

Can you do row level security?

Yes. See Cognos Community of Practice for 2023 April Cognos CoP Meetings

You need a map of person to item and a session parameter.

2023-10-04 Wednesday, Facilities ACOP








All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.


FACAH Status

Data has been moved to Hana Prod

Tableau data sources / Cognos packages are Production versions - so go ahead and start building your long-term reports.

Known data integration issue: Cluster Allocations field is empty, fix in progress


FACAH Enhancement Release Process

  1. Report developer will Email busintel@ucsd.edu to request an enhancement.

    1. Enhancement: add a new field to FINAH (from Tririga, from RAH, from any other AH), add a new calculation;

    2. Enhancement: add a new data source - this will take longer

    3. Email: include where the data comes from, why you need / how it’s going to help, where you want the data to go to, any technical support people that we may need to contact

  2. Email creates a SNOW ticket and gets added to our FACAH Future Release Epic: FACAHCORE-100 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  3. BIA and Data Steward meets weekly/every two weeks to prioritize and research enhancements

    1. Prioritize: are there other enhancements in queue, biggest impact, urgency, longevity, resources

    2. Research: where does the data come from, do we already have it, does it have a AH business name, is there a bigger objective to the enhancement

    3. Resources: Data Integration developer + AH designer + AH developer (may be assigned to another AH) + Business Project SME

  4. Enhancement is assigned to a monthly release

  5. Enhancement is released during that monthly release - EAH/FINAH/FACAH are group together

    1. UAT starts 1st Thursday of every month

      1. AH User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

      2. Report developer feedback during UAT is invaluable. Feedback during this week can be addressed. Feedback after the Prod release has to wait a month.

    2. Prod release is 2nd Thursday of every month, starting at 3pm (FACAH should not be used during Production release migration time)

      1. 3pm views move then BI objects move then release notes are sent out

    3. Release Notes: https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1946406/1921747/



Bug: AH does not match the original source or original calculation

  1. Report developer will Email busintel@ucsd.edu to report the bug.

    1. Bug: Include screenshot of source data to show how the AH does not match, date of last update to the source if available

  2. BIA will create a Bug in Jira: AHM-756 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  3. BIA will identify the bug - it could be the report, it could be the BI tool, it could be in the AH, it could be in the data integration

  4. BIA will work with the appropriate team to resolve the bug

    1. Report - work with the report developer

    2. BI tool / AH - BIA will fix

    3. Data integration - BIA will work with the Data Integration team

Note: BIA’s goal is to fix the bug asap, but some may have to wait until the monthly release based on dependencies














All Facilities ACOP sessions are recorded. If you would like to share sensitive data please let me know and I’ll pause the recording.

FACAH Status


Data has been moved to Hana Prod

Tableau data sources / Cognos packages are Production versions - so go ahead and start building your long-term reports.

FACAH Pages on Blink


FACAH Home Page = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/sources/facilities-activity-hub/index.html

Facilities Analytics Community of Practice = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/communities/facilities-analytics.html

Data Sources for BI Developers = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/sources/index.html

Requested Reports


The current list is here: https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FacAH/pages/466911394

Let Eliud know if your team is working on any reports on or off this list. Additional reports can be added to this list.

How to prioritize this list?

  • Which Tririga reports are most used? Per Vlad: Can’t tell using Tririga b/c Tririga doesn’t track internal report usage.

  • Send a survey - which reports are you using? how would you prioritize this list?

  • What else needs to be blended with these reports

Next steps:

Add requirements to the page with information about blending data found outside of Tririga

Can we have deep links into Tririga?


Vlad: If you have the correct link, you an jump into any Tririga page.

Vlad: The spec id would be needed for the correct url.

Andy: Those are in FACAH but hidden.

Sarah: Please email busintel@ucsd.edu to request that the spec id be made available for a url.

Kate: Yay! This will help us move from the report directly into Tririga to update the space records.


Space Record = https://ucsd.tririga.com/WebProcess.srv?objectId=750000&actionId=750011&propertyId=208133&projectId=1&specClassType=6&specId=128461531&specTypeId=10002873&action=Edit&managerType=query&altGuiListId=-1&inline=false

Department Record = https://ucsd.tririga.com/WebProcess.srv?objectId=750000&actionId=750011&propertyId=208133&projectId=1&specClassType=10&specId=140095687&specTypeId=103804&action=Edit&managerType=query&altGuiListId=-1&inline=false

Cluster Record = https://ucsd.tririga.com/WebProcess.srv?objectId=750000&actionId=750011&propertyId=208133&projectId=1&specClassType=10&specId=133518208&specTypeId=103804&action=Edit&managerType=query&altGuiListId=-1

Person Record = https://ucsd.tririga.com/WebProcess.srv?objectId=750000&actionId=750011&propertyId=208133&projectId=1&specClassType=7&specId=135113479&specTypeId=106402&action=Edit&managerType=query&altGuiListId=-1&inline=false

Cognos tip


can total on more than one field

total ([measure] for [Cluster], [Room])

Report Developer Tip


Ask your customers “What are you going to do with this?” b/c their next step may be something you or FACAH can do for them.






All sessions are recorded.

See link at the top of the page.

Data Quality

Kate/Shan: data looks good, waiting on folders

Cluster Allocations are blank

Reviewed new quick start guides





All sessions are recorded.

See link at the top of the page.

FacAH Bugs & Enhancements

FacAH Bugs and Enhancements in Progress



FacAH Bugs and Enhancements in Progress


Request report developer access: https://support.ucsd.edu/services?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=e3908c91db157f0006037a131f96193d

What functionalities do you plan on using: select Other

Please describe: FACAH Report Developer

Do you need access to the FACAH? Yes

Initial Release: 3 views


Intro to FACAH-Spaces-View

Focus on the space

Location Hierarchy  = Neighborhood > Building > Floor > Space > Allocations

Space = room, hallway, sections of a room like cubes or desks

Space = can have multiple allocations to different departments

Allocated refers to space relationships with departments and clusters

Assignments refers to people / headcount within space

Intro to FACAH-PersonLocation-View

  1. 1 row per person

  2. only 1 secondary location will be displayed

  3. Reported Location - Should not be used for Space Analysis

  4. Only includes people (student / employee / affiliate) who have been assigned a space.

Intro to FACAH-SpaceAllocationDetails-View

Key fields:

Space Person Location Assignment

Space Occupant Count = # people with space as the primary location + # people with space as the secondary location

Space Allocation Occupant Type

Space Occupant Sq Ft = Space Sq Ft / Space Occupant Count


Folder re-organization

Note: Tableau cannot have sub-folders so we have to use a flat single folder structure

Action Item: Add ‘Space’ to the beginning of all folders w/ Tririga data

Next Time

Elliud - FACAH (Hos Dadashazar) top priority reports

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