Action Items by Month

Admissions Action Items for Graduate Coordinators by Month



  • Attend the annual meeting for Admissions & Graduate Coordinators.

  • Communicate with your new students who still have Provisional status.

    • If a student has Provisional status in Slate, that means they still need to send their official documents to Admissions so that we can finalize their admission. Use the Provisionally Admitted Students query template to see which of your students are still Provisional. (For instructions on how to use a query template, see Query Cheat Sheet | How to Use Query Templates.) Inform your students to check their applicant portal to see what they need to submit. Any student who still has Provisional status by the fourth week of Fall quarter will have a hold placed on their account that will prevent them from registering for future quarters.



  • Review the language in the communications that you intend to send to nominated applicants this cycle.

  • Departments may choose to send mailings for applicants who are still in “Awaiting Submission” or “Awaiting Payment” to remind those applicants to submit/pay before the deadline.



  • Check your “Awaiting Docs” and “Awaiting LOEs” bins for applicants who need additional documentation before they can be admitted.

    • For instructions on completing the LOE form, see LOE Forms.


  • Allow up to 12 business days for processing nominated applicants as this month is the peak workload at Admissions!

  • Continue to check your “Awaiting Docs” and “Awaiting LOEs” bins regularly.


  • Prepare for the April 15th deadline.

    • Any applicants who were admitted before March 25th have until at least April 15th to reply to their offer. If, after April 15th, you would like to update the decision for those applicants who have still not responded to their admission offer, ask your evaluator to Batch Decline those admits. Remember that the Decision Reply Form does not automatically close after a deadline, so applicants can continue to submit a decision unless you ask your evaluator to manually Decline for those applicants who missed the deadline. For more information see FAQ | Admitted Applicants.

  • Continue to check your “Awaiting Docs” and “Awaiting LOEs” bins regularly.



  • Direct your incoming students to check their applicant portal regularly for updates, as Admissions will begin finalizing documents during this time.

  • Complete the Admissions & Slate Feedback Form, the annual survey we send out to our graduate coordinators. We would love to hear your suggestions and ideas for improvements during the next admissions cycle!


  • Complete the Application Updates Form from Admissions in order to notify us of any changes that need to be made for your next cycle’s applications. This includes open/close dates, major code changes, custom pages/questions changes and faculty lists updates.

  • Clean out any applications that are still in your bins. All of the Department Review bins and Committee Review bins should be completely empty before we begin the next admission cycle. If you have any applications still “floating” in these bins, please assign decisions to them. Notify your evaluator if you need assistance.

  • Continue to direct your incoming students to check their applicant portal regularly for updates regarding their official documents.


  • Communicate with your evaluator about any changes that need to be made to your application. This includes changes to custom page questions and updates to your faculty list. We will ask to have these changes submitted to us by mid-August at the latest, as we need to have time to make the updates before the applications open.

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