Guide for Associates: Specialized Training

Guide for Associates: Specialized Training

Drafted Information for the Student Once Flagged

You can provide this information to your student if they are flagged in the Associate-in nomination review process.

To ensure that the instructor is aware of and can receive teaching support on campus, we request that the instructor participates in either a Teaching Workshop or individual Teaching Consultation, whichever they would most benefit from in preparation to teach as Instructor of Record. The instructor should register for this support by [date] and provide evidence of having participated by [date].

Find a list of upcoming Teaching Workshops here: https://commons.ucsd.edu/educators/faculty-programs/eth-workshops.html

Sign up for a Teaching Consultation on the form linked from this webpage: https://commons.ucsd.edu/educators/grad-student-programs/consultations-and-observations.html

If the instructor feels that this notification was received in error or that the lower student evaluations do not merit additional support, information can be provided in the department nomination letter or with a separate letter of explanation and will be considered by Graduate Division. In any case, support from the Teaching + Learning Commons and Engaged Teaching Hub are open to and can benefit instructors of all levels and experiences, both before and during the teaching experience.

If you have questions about why you received this notification, please contact Graduate Division: grademployment@ucsd.edu 

If you have questions about how to sign up for teaching support (workshops or consultations), please contact the Engaged Teaching Hub: engagedteaching@ucsd.edu

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