

The third button in the Slate toolbar is the Reader icon. The Slate Reader is where most of the admissions process takes place! The guides in this section cover some of the most common things you will do in the Reader.

Pages in the Reader section:


Info on this page:

Accessing the Reader

To access the Reader from the main Slate page, click the Reader icon in the toolbar. On the next page, click the Applications box to enter the new Reader.


Navigating the Reader

Once you’re in the Reader, you will see a column on the left with different tabs to help you navigate. The first three tabs will be used most often: Browse, Search, and Queue.

  • Browse: Click the Browse tab to view your department’s bins. Each bin will have a number at the bottom right that shows how many applications your department currently has in that bin. Click on a bin to view those applications. If you look at the left-side column after you click on a bin, you will see that you have been automatically brought into the Search tab - you are now “searching” in that particular bin.

  • Search: From the Search tab you can view all of your department’s applications in a list and search for specific applications. On the right side is a column to help narrow down your search results. You can enter a name or ID into the text box to pull up an application with matching information. You can also use the drop-down to select which bin you want to search, and you can filter the results of your search. For instructions on using filters, see our guide called Filtering Your Queue.

    • To open an application from the Search page, click the paper icon at the right side of the application in the list. See instructions below on Reading an Application for more information on navigating the application pages.

Queue: Under the Queue tab, you will see all of the applications that have been assigned to you for review. The Queue page also has the right-side column to allow you to search or filter the applications, just like the Search page. Click on the application to read it. See instructions below on Reading an Application for more information on navigating the application pages.

Reading an Application

When you open an application, the front page will show you some biographical information about the applicant and the schools they attended previously. Click through the tabs on the left-side column to view the information they entered in their application. You can also use the Tab key on your keyboard to go to the next section.

At the top of the page is a bar with the applicant’s name and Slate ID in bold. Clicking here will bring up a small menu. In this menu, you can click on the applicant’s email to message them directly through the Reader (see our Email an Individual Applicant guide for instructions).

There are a few links on the right side of this menu that are useful to know about.

  • Lookup Application: Opens the applicant’s Slate Record in a new tab outside of the reader. Only available to those with admin access. Reviewers should review applicant materials in the Reader.

  • Read Application in a New Window: Opens a duplicate of their application in the reader in a new tab.

  • Show New Materials Report: Opens a pop-up box which lists any new materials that have been added to the application recently. This is a useful tool if you are waiting for documents from the applicant to complete your review.

  • Edit Bin/Queue: Opens a pop-up box that allows you to move the application to a different bin, or assign the file to someone’s queue. Please be careful about moving applications between bins and always double-check to make sure you’re using the right bin. For more info on moving applications between bins, read our Moving & Assigning Applications guide.

“Go Back” From an Application

To leave an application and go back to the main Reader, click where it says Slate in the top left corner of your screen. Alternatively, you can press the “S” or “Q” key on your keyboard to bring you to your Search tab or Queue tab. Note that if you try to use your browser’s back button to go back, you will exit the Reader and will be taken back to the Slate main page.

Further Guides on the Reader


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