Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS)

Confirmation and Registration Updates

Nominations are open to undergraduate students, graduate students (master’s and doctoral), and postdoctoral scholars. Please read the full announcement below for encompassing details.


The Fellowship is open to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree-seeking students as well as young postdoctoral fellows, who:

Have not participated in previous Global Young Scientists Summits, with the exception of GYSS 2021 and 2022.
Show a genuine interest in science and research, and a strong commitment to their principal field of studies and interdisciplinary work.
Are up to 35 years of age, at the time of the Summit in 2024.
Fluent in English and capable of active participation in discussions.
Has not accepted a permanent position at the university.

Nominees who meet all eligibility criteria will be ranked and two candidates will be invited to attend the GYSS in-person 


Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2024

  • Date: January 8-12, 2024

  • Time: 0800h-1800h (Singapore time)

  • Venue: Singapore (tentatively at Matrix at Biopolis), with an Online segment



The Summit aims to:

  • Excite and inspire bright young researchers to apply their minds to research that addresses serious global challenges and future needs of mankind;

  • Engage and connect young researchers to like-minded peers as well as eminent scientific leaders through close and personal interaction sessions; and

  • Enable participants with a compelling research proposition to take the first steps to bring their ideas to fruition.

The National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) is excited to share that the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2023 will be hosted onsite in Singapore! In addition, we will cater to an online audience to join our exciting program.

More details can be found on the event website:


UC San Diego is invited to nominate:

Up to 2 slots for onsite participation; at this time, UC San Diego has not been given any slots for online viewers for the GYSS 2024 Summit

Please submit nominations no later than June 20th, 2023 with the following details of each nominee in each category (i.e. On-Site Participant or Online Viewer): First and Last names, Email address, and Host Institution.

Upon successful submission, nominees will be informed (via the submitted email address) by TBD - (TBD GYSS to release further details) to complete their applications by providing further details and submitting their CVs.

By the end, of (TBD GYSS to release further details) all nominated participants and their institutions will receive an update on the final decision on participant selection.

Important Notes
Please note that a nomination does NOT guarantee an invitation to participate in GYSS 2024. The GYSS 2024 Organizing Committee reserves the right to shortlist the nominees. Nominees who do not complete registration will also be disqualified.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria for Nominations

Nominations for GYSS on-site Participants and online Viewers apply to students and researchers from universities and research institutions worldwide, at the following levels:

  • Undergraduate students;

  • Master’s and Doctoral students; and

  • Young postdoctoral scientists.


All nominees should meet the following criteria:

  • Not be older than 35 years of age at the time of the Summit;

  • Show a genuine interest in science and research;

  • Show a strong commitment to their principal field of study and to interdisciplinary work;

  • Received the endorsement of an organisation that was invited to provide nominees (i.e. nominated through this invitation process);

  • Be fluent in English to actively participate in discussions;

  • Not have participated on-site in previous GYSS, with the exception for GYSS 2021-2023 (online editions); and

  • Not have a permanent position (in general, scientists with permanent positions, in particular the professor/tenure level, will not be admitted to the Summit).


On-Site Participants:

The GYSS Organizing Committee will cover ONLY the following items for each participant:

  • Local hotel accommodation for only overseas-based Participants (Twin-sharing from January 8-12 Jan 2024)

  • Transportation between hotel to Summit venue (i.e. NO airport transfers); and

  • Some catered meals (details to be confirmed closer to date)

There is no registration cost to participate in GYSS 2024.

Flight Arrangements: Please note that Participants/institutions would need to arrange for their flights to and from Singapore. At this time UC San Diego has not sponsored the costs of flights or passport fees associated with traveling to Singapore for the Grand Prize Lottery Winner. We ask that all nominees be aware of the costs associated with attending in person.

Covid-related regulations: to be confirmed/updated in Winter 2023, closer to the actual date of the Summit. Should there be any query, kindly contact the GYSS secretariat via this email.