2022-10-12 Meeting notes

2022-10-12 Meeting notes


Oct 12, 2022


  • @Erin Kilburn

  • @Amini, Mojgan (Deactivated) 

  • @Kevin Chou 

  • @Corn, Michael (Deactivated) 

  • @DeMeulle, Brian (Deactivated) 

  • @Sheryl Gerbracht (Deactivated) 

  • @Valerie Polichar (Deactivated) 

  • @Brett Pollak

  • @Daniel Suchy 


Discussion items





Project Initiation Status


Still expected projects, but charters not yet received:

  • EVC instructional research - safe access to data; expected in 4 wks (research)

    • Another month expected - PM will be needed

  • AD architecture migration - will fund a consultant (security)

  • Lived Name workstreams may need additional support, tbd

Project priorities - highest priority and high priorities? 

  • Still WebFarm?

Resource contention between WebFarm, Containerization, integration/remediation work, and security patching.


Qualysis reports - security level 5 is 24 hrs, level 4 is 3 days; so many each week they are constantly remediating - impacts and outcomes

Wrap as a project with a weekly mtg and support the ops teams triaging? Sec Ops manager?




PR-879 - Getting issue details... STATUS consider separating P3 and P4 work; PCI and P4 work as highest priority @Erin Kilburn to discuss w/ John and project team
Program for containerization, webfarm deprecation, P3/P4 PCI work - high priority, as getting this done would significantly improve workloads @Erin Kilburn 
Sec Ops manager (hiring in process) to gel the "new normal" of patching workflow @Corn, Michael (Deactivated) 
@Erin Kilburn to try and get data that teams are spending patching / sec ops work

Action items