2024-01-31 AH Project Portfolio Review

2024-01-31 AH Project Portfolio Review


Jan 31, 2024


  • @Erin Kilburn

  • @Judy White

  • @Mindy Peng


  • Resource allocations

  • Roadmap

  • Backlog items

  • Risks/escalations


Time Tracking: AHM-789

 Discussion topics

Resource allocations and utilization


as of 1/25 (rerun in mtg to show updates with SAHE and CSC Dev0 → SAHR



*Go live dates inaccurate where scope missing, or allocations need to be updated

AH plan: https://its-pro.ucsd.edu/secure/PortfolioReportView.jspa?r=AGfFr

Summary view: Login - Advanced Roadmaps - ITS PRO


Discussion Items



Discussion Items



Resource allocations & utilization


Art, Rama, Krishna are missing - why not showing under Judy’s team?
Should have 4 FTE at ESR
Is Sama .5 ESR and .5 CSC?



push dates up to epics

AI Wolfram

Chris is AI PM



Management of UCOP and Merced

PR-850 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PR-844 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In enhancement mode, but external - should Mindy manage? Given that they are stable and new requests would need to be managed, keep Mindy assigned

  • Merced is frozen for now and stable

  • UCOP hasn’t made any requests in over a year



AH project definitions

Confirming: definition of project for AH

  • Application (not data source)

    • Could be same server, but if new app, new project

  • But if not a new data source, no integrations needed (is this true?)

    • Incorrect, we may need new additional integrations

  • If existing data source and existing application, when is it an enhancement and when is it a project?

    • If new module, new context → project

      • Ex: onboarding, TES

    • Important, as projects are prioritized against one another



PR-1060 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ying and 3 MTC contractors prioritize scope definition, to ensure we have enough runway to hit go live date

Will build on Dev0 and then migrate to our own enviro

Funding question @Kevin Chou

FinAH to Dev0

MTC will be resources for FinAH, Moh is internal resource

Create project
Template for Dev0 project plans - next week or the following @Erin Kilburn



Alert other UCSD teams that this incoming; work on standard notification
Create project

PR-983 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Is this ESR? Yes

Does the retrofit need to include these tables? Yes, work getting done ahead of SLCM in support of transitioning depts from current state to AHs. Current

Update name of project to include ESR @Erin Kilburn



PR-1055 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Do we have all apps and data sources identified? Is OTL complete?

Invenio will publish linked views for SLCM

Model out views that need to be modified in SAHR (all views in SAH) @Mindy Peng
Log risk on reliance on Invenio for delivery of views, and continuity of supporting and enhancing the views after SLCM project closes @Mindy Peng
Escalate this risk @Erin Kilburn - in contract? who supports post go live?
UCSD will need to have test plans, will invenio need to be provisioned?

PR-987 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What is go live? prod views

Working on demo and enrollment

Need to update allocations
Need scope definition

PR-1003 - Getting issue details... STATUS


need schedules and OTLs
Need scope - discuss at next mtg w/ Jonathan for what is needed

PR-1000 - Getting issue details... STATUS


need schedules and OTLs
Need scope - discuss at next mtg w/ Jonathan for what is needed


need schedules and OTLs
Need scope - discuss at next mtg w/ Jonathan for what is needed


need schedules and OTLs
Need scope - discuss at next mtg w/ Jonathan for what is needed

Scope clarity mtg w/ Christine, priorities, and scope change process

Need a get to green plan

Mtg w/ Eliud to confirm that reqs were delivered

Confirming next project requests

Any outstanding high severity bugs?

Missing scope - what is still outstanding to close? No clear definition of done
Need a get to green plan

Been in hypercare since go live in Sept



Everything is live & no bugs

Next steps: Educate client what enhancement request process is and close













Current AH project portfolio


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