Hello FINAH Developers - The below fields are now available for you in Production.
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The Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy is Getting a Refresh
A campuswide workgroup was established to do a comprehensive review of the existing Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy(MRAH) to ensure that account numbers are falling under the appropriate hierarchy levels. New account groupings have also been created based on reporting needs identified after a full year in the new OFC environment.
Prior to migration to Production, we are asking report developers who have built reports off of the MRAH to test their reports in OFC-Test for Oracle, Cognos-DEV using Hana-QA or Tableau using the -QA data source. Campus Budget Office will be presenting at future meetings to preview the changes and answer any questions.
High-level summary of changes
- Added a new hierarchy level for Capital Assets that includes all accounts from 16000B
- Added a summarized hierarchy level called Change in Net Position for Total Resources and Total Expenses
- Additional levels were added to the following hierarchy levels:
- External Resources:
- Affiliation Agreements
- External Recharge Activity
- Service Agreements
- Internal Resources:
- Core CBO Allocations
- VC/Dean Allocations
- Health System Support
- Health System Transitional Support
- Transfer After Overhead
- Other Transfers
- Non-Compensation Expenses:
- Equipment, Rentals, and Repairs
Non-Operating Expenses/Transfers:
- Department Assessments
- Overhead-IDC
- Shared Services
- Internal Loan
- Non-Operating Transfers
- Planned Operating Shortfall Transfers
- Year End Fund Collapse
- External Resources:
Updated the following parent grouping names:
- Managerial Resources Available – previously Resources Expenses (Net Position)
- Other Allocations – previously Resources Allocations
- Internal Recharge Activity – previously Recharge (Internal)Income
- Other Transfers – previously Internal Resources-Other
- Supplies and Materials – previously Supplies and Other Services
- Put all posting level accounts under a new level 6 hierarchy (level 26 in Oracle)