With the success of the RAH go live and EAH go live, we are disappointed to be behind schedule with FINAH. After consideration of year end close in IFIS, current stabilization of Oracle and remaining work needed to release the Financial Activity Hub, we estimate that the first wave of Financial Activity Hub will be launched on August 15, 2020. Our goal is to go live with Wave 1 on August 15th with General Ledger and Advancement (STAR report) data in FINAH and Wave 2 on August 31st with PPM and Budget data. User acceptance testing (UAT) started on July 9th with a small set of Beta Testers. As part of UAT we are gaining clarity on the needs around Budget data, Account Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP). As FINAH development progresses we'll be able to include more users in UAT so that report development can being prior to go live. Optional Cognos and Tableau training with FINAH data starts July 29 and extends through September 17. Oracle access with a role of UCSD BI Consumer JR is a per-requsite to signing up for the Cognos / Tableau training. For more details about FINAH see https://esr.ucsd.edu/projects/activity-hubs/financial/index.html |