Time Tracking: ACOP-169 Recording: https://ucsdcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jmwhite_ucsd_edu/Ev-ERHH5dSVGoXP_5XSwXyYBRyDGHHaa-SypcQEQLvNGYg?e=IVLSay Attendees: Sarah Parnell, Andy Beecham, Dan Xu, Kathryn Brumfield, Daniel Redfern, Ari Widjaja, Chaozi Chen, Cheryl Kettnich, Chester Yao, Chun Qian, Csilla Csori, Eric Rosenzweig, Galina Belokurova, Irene Xavier, Jonathan Whitman, Karen Gerstoft, Kenny Valdivia, Kerry Knight, Kristine Kilanski, Lucie chan, Marco Hermosillo, Mark Cheney, Michael Weinfeld, Steven Higgins, Steven Machado, Sama Hosseini Porgham What does materialized mean? | - It means that after UCOP sends us the data, BIA runs the scripts to re-organize the data into our set up tables and then we materialize (copy & paste as values) to the final FCV tables
- Steve Higgins: can we also get the date time that UCOP sends us table to see when the data leaves UCOP
- Andy: yes, we can add that
I am looking for the hourly pay rate for the hourly paid position on EAH. I searched on several views but couldn't find it. Does anyone know where it is on EAH? | - In the meeting we check EAH-Workforce-View and EAH-PositionFunding-View but the employee examples provided were converted with an Hourly Rate of 0 so EAH was showing the same amount as seen in UCPath
I'm trying to use the EAH-PositionFunding-View but am not seeing all of the records (my own name isn't part of the data). Am I using the wrong view or will the data be loaded at a future date? | - Not all positions are funded, we would need to confirm with a UCPath person that your position meets their criteria for funded
- Please email busintel@ucsd.edu so we can do more research
EAH-PositionFunding-View is showing more than 100% for Position Funding Distribution Percent | - When using that field you need to change the field aggregation to 'none' and include a filter for 'Position Funding AsOf Indicator'='Current', 'Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator'='Maximum', and 'Position Funding Budget Sequence Indicator'='Maximum'