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To check the status of a form once it is submitted, you can view the current status by accessing your submission under "My Documents" in

Click on the specific request. You should see a “View” option on the left side of the submission. Use the slider to select “Status” and To view the “Workflow Status” of a submission, open the specific submission record and go to the menu on the top right of the screen; click on the 1st option, “Workflow Status” (shown below):

image-20240814-182357.pngImage Added

Once you select “Workflow Status,” you will see who has approved the request and whose if any approval is pending.


If you need to follow-up with the faculty who need to sign, provide the faculty with the link to the Kuali "Action List," which should list any requests pending their approval.


  • For students transferring from a master’s to a doctoral program (with no break in enrollment), or from one doctoral program to another, please input requested limits on the “Change Major or Degree Aim” online form. [If there is a break in enrollment, a General Petition for readmission is needed]

  • For students being readmitted to a doctoral program, please specify the requested limits on the General Petition form.

  • If additional room is needed to provide support for the requested limits, please submit a letter (via email) from the student's faculty advisor, endorsed by the department chair, to the GEPA PhD Graduate Academic Affairs Advisor. Please provide as much detail as possible to support and justify the need for additional time.

Common reasons for requesting a recalculation are below and should be included/addressed in the request to recalculate:

  • student switched to the doctoral program late and more time is needed to develop the research topic or fulfill doctoral requirements

  • additional courses are needed because the student came from a different program

  • student changed advisors/research topic as a result of the switch

  • student previously completed a master’s degree and is being readmitted to a doctoral program - time limits have expired (time limits are calculated from first enrollment, this includes first enrollment at the master’s level)

    • When a student is getting ready to transfer (or be readmitted) to a doctoral program, review what the time limits would be based on the student's original start quarter at UC San Diego. The student’s faculty advisor should then determine if the assigned time limits are appropriate or if the student will need more time based on the academic plan. The 3 time limits that may need to be recalculated are: pre-candidacy/PCTL, support time/SUTL, and total registered time/TRTL).

    • A program may request a recalculation of all 3 time limits at the same time, or only for 1 or 2.

    • If a recalculation is not needed at the time of transfer, a time limit extension request may be requested later (see section above on Extension Requests).

Questions on recalculation requests should be directed to the PhD Graduate Academic Affairs Advisor. via email.

Joint Doctoral Program recalculation requests should be submitted to the JDP Academic Affairs Advisor via email.

Both PhD and JDP requests are reviewed for approval by the Senior GEPA Associate Dean.