Item | Who | Notes |
Aimee introduction | | Welcome! |
Recruitments | | |
Resource leveling and auto scheduling in Structure | | Demo - make sure you have the automation pulling in tasks the order in which you want them, then use the Structure ID Still investigating enterprise resource planning Plan with smartsheet
Share wins and cross functional project impacts and challenges | all | Wins Canvas2 and Dev0.1 live for UCSD, Merced, and now UW! uAchieve project done and closed View enhancement for compliance AH passed, so project transitioning to ops and enhancements
X functional Challenges
Open projects / need PM | | SIS Continuity Planning SIS Reporting |
Open projects / need Proj Coord | | ESR SIS Secure ConnectAI |
| | |
Putting the tech in technical PM | | Technical Concepts |
| | |
Closing projects! Should be Live | | |
Closing projects! Should be Done | | |