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Discussion items

WelcomeKal / All
These sessionsKal / All 
  • Organization updates
  • PMCI / PPMO updates
  • Various program / project updates
  • Suggestions from all of you
When are we going to back to campus?Kal
  • Anyone catch the Town Hall? 
  • Return to campus questionnaire - this is a planning process. 
    • size of space
    • if other people are there
    • will the space be cleaned
    • student facing
    • ....

The above is then evaluated to ensure that all of the safety mechanisms are in place. Based on this, a decision will be made if a group can come back. 

BUT - there is a push to reduce the density of people on campus and if you can do your work from home, likely we will be. 

Performance EvalsKal
  • Timeline
  • Questions?


Good afternoon ITS Staff,

As you know, the 2019-2020 performance appraisal cycle was delayed to the fall.  The new deadline has been announced and all employee self-appraisals are due by 5:00pm on Monday, August 31, 2020.  The appraisal period will cover May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020. 

Per my recent email communication, the UCSD online Staff Performance Appraisal (SPA) system is now available and you can login to check out the new interface.  I am still waiting for some backend programming for ITS appraisals to be completed so that you can access your self-appraisalin SPA and I will send a follow-up email as soon as that is ready to go.  I have attached a sample of the appraisal form; this is also available in the web based training in UC Learning Center.

For those of you who started and/or completed working on your self-appraisal on an offline document, you can copy/paste the content into the system at that time.  If you have not started to work on your self-appraisal offline, I’d encourage you to do this so that you can quickly copy/paste the content into SPA when your self-appraisal is available. 

A few reminders regarding the self-appraisal:

  • Describe your major job-related accomplishments, and the status of last year’s and future performance goals. 
  • You may include a statement regarding job-related training needs and future career plans. 
  • The objective of this summary is to provide an opportunity for you to reflect upon actual work, ensure agreement with your supervisor regarding accomplishments, and foster effective communication between you and your supervisor.


  • This only applies to Career and Contract appointment employees; if you are a STE (limited) or TES employee, this does not apply and you can disregard this email and deadline as you will not need to go through this process.
  • If you were hired as a new career/contract employee 5/1/20 and after, you will not need to complete a self-appraisal at this time.
  • For ITS-PRO, you can put the time spent working on your self-appraisal in SVCOPS-571– 2020 - Conduct Personnel Management.

I hope that you are able to attend one of the SPA System Overview and Q&A staff sessions I scheduled for ITS staff.  There was yesterday morning (with about 160 in attendance!) and two more sessions scheduled next week; I have attached the email communication I had sent out regarding these sessions.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.

PMO Project Request processKal / Paul
Slack Transition to TeamsAll

MS Team for IT Services

Team: IT Services

Purpose: Keep IT Services (ITS) connected, informed, engaged and nurture a teamwork culture

Audience: ITS staff

Owner: SMT, Comms, HR, Admin

Member management: HR or Admin team adds/removes members via HR onboarding/offboarding processes. Membership is limited to ITS staff only. 

Channels (examples):

  • General = general chatter, AMA?
  • its-announcements = formal announcements, feeds directly from ITS-All or ITS-Staff?
  • its-podcast
  • its-service-owners
  • fun-travel = allow for social/fun channels
  • fun-cooking


  • limit of 200 channels per Team, including deleted channels
  • limit of 30 private channels per Team.
  • Private channels can have up to 250 members.

MS Team for Projects

Team: One for each project

Purpose: Keep project teams connected, informed, engaged and nurture a teamwork culture 

Audience: Project core team and stakeholders

Owner: PM / Core Team members

Member Management: PM and core team to add / remover members. Membership is open to all - including vendors. 


  • General = general project chat. Anyone can drop in and discuss / ask questions regarding the project. Open channel. 
  • Core Team = Core project team chat. Private channel. 
  • Change Management = CLs, CPs, Lynn
  • Governance?


  • Project needs should not be at risk of being impacted by constraints:
    • limit of 200 channels per Team, including deleted channels
    • limit of 30 privatechannels per Team.
    • Private channels can have up to 250 members.
Project Portfolio Prioritization and PM assignmentsKal
Requirements / Design OTL & TemplatesKal
Atlassian Support / Atlassian Licensing Kal
What is on your mind?All
Future topics

Action items
