What do we need help with? | Kal | What do we need help with? (not an exhaustive list) Requests for: BSA/Analysis: - Downstream: A dedicated BSA who focuses on translating project information to the downstream teams. E.g. data knowledge collection, interfaces and usage like the Recharge for Finance, etc.
- App remediation: A dedicated BSA who reviews and ensures major ITS core services are remediated for Go Live. E.g. AD and Mail DB
- Finance Integrations: BSAs to help write requirements for integrations, reports
- The lack of BSAs during design contributed to the documentation debt / fatigue / decision amnesia we are battling now
- The decision to adopt “best practice” from Deloitte vs doing a current state landscape has also resulted in business needs that are surfacing now in testing and creating not insignificant design oscillations and subsequent risks
Development / Platform: - UCPath: More GoAnywhere/GoCEMLI trained developers. We only have 1 person remaining to support GoAnywhere, Thuan, given that Joe and Steven are both overloaded with other work
- UCPath: A developer who can support Doug Meserve’s setups of the scheduler and establish more robust training and procedure documentation
- Finance:
QA / Test Cases Development: - UCPath & Finance: A GA/OFC SME who can support the Payroll team’s financial GL and PPM integration and test case development
- Finance: Mitigate lack of tool, a need a resource that can use excel proficiently for manumation (need for next week)
OCM including training - UCPath: OCM resources to help coach and plan transition activities for the 8 different department Service Owners involved in UCPath (they’ve been given the checklist, but is that enough?
- A dedicated NiFi coach to teach and assist the downstream remediation developers learning. UCPath lost resource to remediate the HR Onboarding application necessary at Go Live