Definitions/drawing a line between CI and projects
Request comes in
Transformation group consults
Handed to operational PMO
Strategic plan
if project over 2.5k hours, included on plan
includes the highly complex that may not be that many hours
throughout the year, the optimization and smaller projects come in
intend is for the SOs (directors in health) to take these to their governance; friction in saying no
issue is the SOs would say yes if the other teams werent ready (traffic jam)
“bigger than we thought it was, need a PM” - same issue we have
Roadmapping and strategic planning
big push around May and June, to get on the list
quiet in the summer
tons of new requests in the fall for things SOs realized they missed
need to cut existing roadmap projects to allocate new, resistance to cutting
overallocation, no decisions made on what to cut
Strategic planning process
Former CIO was pushing for this, and was the big push that Nicole did
Chris did a call for projects, cleaned up the whole list
based on capacity, voted on projects (shark tank style)
Dynamic project rating
Holding back 15k project hours (applying standard project ratios to estimate team hours (i.e., QA, dev, etc.)) and some funding
One dedicated PM resource to handle off cycle project requests; this PM will scope and estimate these projects
PMO objectively scores the projects based on the assessment
takes the scored list to governance and governance then real-time scores the projects
PMO then puts into a ranked list, and the top make the list
complexity rating is based on funding needed, number of teams, who is requesting it (if stakeholder is engaged or not), number of interfaces, vendors (if vendors are involved, more complex, since vendors over sell)
Assessment → when completed and if approved, project
when the assessment complete, presented to PMO and other key stakeholders for endorsement (or not) of becoming a project
depending on funding, may need to wait and put it on the strategic planning project roadmap
Saying no to projects
Usually “no, but” and a piece gets done
Part of scope or different approach to solve the business need
Or, lives in backlog
during Covid, did pause projects, restructure scope
Pet projects
Usually starts as non IT, and then IT gets brought in