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People in attendance in bold

Former user (Deleted)


Corn, Michael (Deactivated)

Daniel Quach

James Dotson

Hersberger, Mark (Deactivated)

Phillip Lopo

Former user (Deleted)


SharePoint Secure Portal -

Project Collab site: https://collabucsdcollab.ucsdatlassian.edunet/wiki/display/CCR/Cybersecurity+Certification+for+Research+%28CCR%29+Home

High Risk Labs list -

Lref gdrive file


TopicWhoDiscussion Topics and Action Items
Campus roll-outAll
  • Testimonial still hopefully forthcoming
  • Draft communications?
  • Various channels?
  • Timing?

Assure, SharePoint, Kuali and/or process updates

  • Claire was to provide Mark with some content tweaks/ improvements she/they suggest .Otherto Sharepoint site.
  • Former user (Deleted) has set-up time for he, Mike and Daniel to meet to do some Kuali form clean-up/ enhancements.
  • Former user (Deleted) to validate that all software link-outs are there and working.
  • Add "Quick Links" sections where it makes sense?
Early adopters and/or High Risk Lab submissionsAll
  • Next High-Risk Lab Review Meeting = 2/8Any candidates?
  • Paddon Lab - Ready to complete. Just need template letter.
  • Gilson Lab - On hold until PI officially submits it.

HX/Qualys Alerting updates


Other topics?

  • Education FAQs (maybe "Top Ten (or Five) Most Important Things to Know") - best practices in general.  Example would be back-ups, etc.
  • Personal device policy - Corn, Michael (Deactivated) to draft something around this so we can add to FAQ section.
  • OIA ticket groups/ support - How can we get things into the right hands, right away? Possibly create a new general OIA queue where a ticket could go initially and then it could get routed to the correct OIA team. Corn, Michael (Deactivated) and Claire will ping Phillip Lopo to decide on the best way to set things up.