Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are available for you in Hana QA. If you find an issue, please email busintel@ucsd.edu prior to end of day Wednesday, July 26 so we can address it before the Thursday migration to Production.
Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress.
For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office. Please reach out to them directly.
Table of Contents
Thank You Report Developers!
Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests.
- Bhavya Guntupalli
- Jordyn Ohashi
- Jim Ybarra
- SIS Reporting Project
Renaming and Deprecating
As we've adapted the AH views to your needs, we have found changing field names is painful for both report developers and our team due to the name change breaking reports, data integrations and packages / data sources. In an effort to avoid this pain, we are going to introduce a new name change strategy.
MONTH #1 ANNOUNCEMENT: ITS-BIA will release new fields with the revised field name in the views that contain the field to be renamed, or where a view is to be renamed ITS-BIA will release as a new view the view with the revised name. ITS-BIA will allow a transition period for report developers to repoint their reports at the new fields / views.
MONTH #2 SET TO NULL: ITS-BIA will remove the data from the old fields / views and allow a second transition period. This will not break the report but will highlight where the fields / views are still in use as they will become blank.
MONTH #3 REMOVE: ITS-BIA will deprecate the fields / views. Any reports the have not transitioned by this point will break.
We'll be using this strategy for the following deprecation of Student Legal Name fields.
Jira Legacy | ||||||
REMOVE: The following fields will be removed from the below Column Groups
- Student Legal Full Name replaced by Student Full Name
- Student Legal First Name replaced by Student First Name
- Student Legal Last Name replaced by Student Last Name
- Student Legal Middle Name replaced by Student Middle Name
Impacted Column Groups
- SAH Demographics SIS Student Demographics
- SAH Student Stats Per Term Master
- SAH Demographics Integration Redrock
- SAH Student Identity Access Management
- SAH Student Identity Access Management Delta
Your Requested Enhancements!
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.
All Views Joined With SAH-Demographics-View
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: CS1537245
Added the following fields:
- Graduate MIST Training Complete Count
- Graduate MIST Training Complete Flag
- Graduate MIST Training Status
- Graduate Registered Terms Count Current Cumulative
- Graduate Terms with Attempted Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Graduate Terms with Completed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Graduate Terms with Passed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Medical Registered Terms Count Current Cumulative
- Medical Terms with Attempted Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Medical Terms with Completed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Medical Terms with Passed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Pharmacy Registered Terms Count Current Cumulative
- Pharmacy Terms with Attempted Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Pharmacy Terms with Completed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- Pharmacy Terms with Passed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- UG MIST Training Complete Count
- UG MIST Training Complete Flag
- UG MIST Training Status
- UG Registered Terms Count Current Cumulative
- UG Terms with Attempted Courses Count Current Cumulative
- UG Terms with Completed Courses Count Current Cumulative
- UG Terms with Passed Courses Count Current Cumulative
Views that include SAH-Demographics fields:
- SAH-CollegeDetail-View
- SAH-Degree-View
- SAH-Demographics-IR-View
- SAH-Demographics-View
- SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
- SAH-Enrollment-View
- SAH-Housing-View
- SAH-LMS-AssignmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-ConversationMessages
- SAH-LMS-CB-DiscussionTopicEntry-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-GroupMembers-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentCourseStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerWeek-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-Submission-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-WikiPage-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionEntryEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionTopicEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-EnrollmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-ExternalToolEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-FileEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GradingEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GroupEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-QuizEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-SectionStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerDay-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerTermNarrow-View
- SAH-LMS-Student-View
- SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-WikiPageEvents-View
- SAH-MajorMinorDetail-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View
- SAH-MajorMinor-View
- SAH-PersonDataAudit-View
- SAH-RetentionCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetail-View
- SAH-Retention-View
- SAH-StudentHoldsNarrow-View
- SAH-StudentSchedule-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-StudentWithdrawalNarrow-View
- SAH-WaitlistAudit-View
All Views Joined With SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: CS1537245, SISRPT-29
Added the following fields:
Current Term Count
Current Term Flag
Future Term Count
Future Term Flag
Past Term Count
Past Term Flag
Registered Terms Count Term Cumulative
Terms with Attempted Courses Count Term Cumulative
Terms with Completed Courses Count Term Cumulative
Terms with Passed Courses Count Term Cumulative
Views that include SAH-StudentStatusPerTerm fields:
- SAH-Degree-View
- SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
- SAH-Enrollment-View
- SAH-LMS-AssignmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-ConversationMessages
- SAH-LMS-CB-DiscussionTopicEntry-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-GroupMembers-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentCourseStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-StudentStatsPerWeek-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-Submission-View
- SAH-LMS-CB-WikiPage-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-CourseStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionEntryEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-DiscussionTopicEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-EnrollmentEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-ExternalToolEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-FileEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GradingEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-GroupEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-QuizEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-SectionStudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerDay-View
- SAH-LMS-StudentStatsPerTermNarrow-View
- SAH-LMS-Student-View
- SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View
- SAH-LMS-WikiPageEvents-View
- SAH-MajorMinorDetail-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View
- SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View
- SAH-MajorMinor-View
- SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-View
- SAH-RetentionDetail-View
- SAH-StudentSchedule-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View
- SAH-StudentWithdrawalNarrow-View
- SAH-WaitlistAudit-View
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: SIS Reporting Project SISRPT-63
*Logic change: Originally Course Level displayed the Code value for this viewfield. As part of the July release the Course Level field will display the name value and the Course Level Code field will display the code value.
Added the following fields:
- Class Section Restriction Count
- Class Section Restriction Flag
- Course Coreq Count
- Course Coreq Flag
- Course Credit Type
- Course Credit Type Code
- *Course Level Code
- Course Prereq Count
- Course Prereq Flag
- Course Restriction Count
- Course Restriction Flag
SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: SIS Reporting Project SISRPT-63
*Logic change: Originally Course Level displayed the Code value for this view field. As part of the July release the Course Level field will display the name value and the Course Level Code field will display the code value.
Added the following fields:
- Class Section Restriction Count
- Class Section Restriction Flag
- Course Coreq Count
- Course Coreq Flag
- Course Coreq Missing Count
- Course Coreq Missing Flag
- Course Credit Type
- Course Credit Type Code
- *Course Level Code
- Course Prereq Count
- Course Prereq Flag
- Course Restriction Count
- Course Restriction Flag
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets:
Added the following fields:
- Course Term Census Date
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets:
Added the following fields:
Term Census Date
Term Code
Term ID
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: SIS Reporting Project SISRPT-63
*Logic change: Originally Course Level displayed the Code value for this view field. As part of the July release the Course Level field will display the name value and the Course Level Code field will display the code value.
Added the following fields:
- Class Section Restriction Count
- Class Section Restriction Flag
- Course Coreq Count
- Course Coreq Flag
- Course Coreq Missing Count
- Course Coreq Missing Flag
- Course Credit Type
- Course Credit Type Code
- *Course Level Code
- Course Prereq Count
- Course Prereq Flag
- Course Restriction Count
- Course Restriction Flag
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Enhancements will address the following SNOW tickets: SIS Reporting Project SISRPT-63
*Logic change: Originally Course Level displayed the Code value for this view field. As part of the July release the Course Level field will display the name value and the Course Level Code field will display the code value.
Added the following fields:
- Class Section Restriction Count
- Class Section Restriction Flag
- Course Coreq Count
- Course Coreq Flag
- Course Credit Type
- Course Credit Type Code
- *Course Level Code
- Course Prereq Count
- Course Prereq Flag
- Course Restriction Count
- Course Restriction Flag
Customer Service Reminder
Warning |
Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly. For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT. If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes. |
Warning |
A duty cycle has been implemented for Hana QA. During this time, Hana QA will not be available. Please schedule your UAT work around this duty cycle.
Follow our Enhancement Testing Steps
Tip |
Use this UAT time to adjust your reports as needed prior to the Production release where your customers will be able to see any issues these enhancements cause.
If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following: