Documents / Finalizing Admission
What documents does How can my student see what documents they need to submit for you to finalize their admission?
Any documents that are listed under “Submit Your Pending Admission Documents” in their applicant portal need to be submitted to Graduate AdmissionsIf the student logs in to their applicant portal, they will see “Your Next Step: Submit Your Pending Admission Documents.” All the documents they need to submit will be listed underneath. If Graduate Admissions has received the document but has not begun review yet, a note will be listed under the document that says “Documents received - in queue for processing.” Please ask your student to refer to their applicant portal for any updatesFor an example, see our Example Applicant Portal underneath “Your Next Step: Submit Your Pending Admission Documents.”
How can I see what documents my student needs to submit for you to finalize their admission?
If you look up the student’s record in Slate, you can click the Profile tab and click the “Schools” section (in the right-side column). Documents that need to be submitted to Graduate Admissions will be listed in the column “Missing Docs.” For an example, see our https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GDCP/pages/54133424/Navigating+Records#Profile guide.
Why does my student have a Missing Docs hold from Admissions?