In the 4th/5th week of instruction please submit a list to Sara Miceli (via email or Excel) of your students expected to graduate that term. After the term is over and grades are posted submit the final degree audit via DocuSign cover sheets.
If a student receives an incomplete* in the final term: If the incomplete is in the capstone, the degree will be posted in the term in which the final passing grade is assigned. If the incomplete is in a NON-capstone course, the final passing grade is assigned in the quarter immediately after the incomplete is assigned the degree will be posted in in the term of last enrollment. (In the case where the student receives an extension on an Incomplete and the final passing grade is assigned more than 1 quarter following the quarter of enrollment, then the degree will be posted in in the term in which the final passing grade is assigned).
*All incompletes should follow the campus policy on assigning and extending incompletes. The Graduate Council (in March 2021) approved department/program faculty leadership to delegate signature authority to staff designates for approval of professional Master’s capstone projects. Each program may determine its own delegation of authority for professional master’s capstone projects. To implement a staff designate, the graduate program faculty are required to vote on all professional master’s capstone projects at the end of each quarter. Once unanimous faculty approval is given, the designated staff member has authority to sign (via DocuSign) the final report forms on behalf of faculty advisors and department chairs/program directors. There is no need to notify GEPA that the staff delegate process is being used. Please note that the name of the staff designate must be listed on the DocuSign routing, even if a role account is used for the email address.
See the DocuSign instructions on the DocuSign Forms page. |