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Section 1: To be Completed by the Requestor of the Corrective Action

Today's Date


ITSPRO Issue #:

Jira Legacy
serverITS PRO

Name of Requestor:

Email ID:

Corrective Action Trigger:

Overdue tasks  (95% of all tasks)

Current Impact on Project (in terms of schedule, cost, quality, resources, scope):

The project OTL and schedule is not clear. Our processes require the project team to:

  • ensure a correct WBS (object/tasks)
  • ensure tasks are estimated by the task owner / person(s) doing the work
  • ensure tasks are assigned to the correct resource assigned
  • ensure task owners are maintaining task status
  • ensure person(s) doing the work are tracking their time to the correct tasks

Suggestions for Correction:

  1. Meet with project team to discuss the project is scoped correctly and the team has the correct resources
  2. Project team to:
    1. create RACI
    2. create OTLs that represent the work
    3. present RACI and OTLs that represent the work
  3. Make sure the project team is managing their tasks by:
    1. ensuring correct task status
    2. ensure time tracking
  4. PM to provide weekly status updates to team and leadership

Person Responsible for Section 2:

Section 2: To be Completed by the Project Team 

Email ID / User ID: Student Test

What is causing the problem/trigger to occur?

The team was in a discovery phase of the project and did not yet know what the correct OTL was. Since the OTL was not correct, they did not maintain it. 

Describe the action(s) to correct the problem/trigger:

The team is beginning the work on a new OTL structure and creating the project RACI and plan to review with Kal the week of 09/07/20 after Kenny's return from vacation

Date of Response:

Corrective Action Completion Date:

Section 3: To be Completed by Approver of Recommended Actions

Approve or Reject Corrective Action Recommendations? Y/N

If Rejected, Additional Comments:

Name of Approver:



Section 4: To be Completed after Verification

Have the Actions been Implemented?

Did the Actions Correct the Problem?

Verified and Closed Out by:

Verified Date: