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Commonly Used Exports

  • Name: applicant’s full name , including both legal and preferred (in parentheses)Preferred Name: applicant’s preferred name as entered on applicationlisted as “Last, First”

  • Ref: Slate application reference number - helpful to have when you’re asking us about a specific person!

  • Program Interest (App): the program listed on the applicationthe applicant has applied to

  • Entry Term:the entry term listed on the applicationthe applicant has applied to

  • Degree Type: the degree conferred by the program the degree level listed on the applicationapplicant has applied to

    • Note that this is not going to show you a degree they earned previously at a different institution and listed in their Academic History - contact your admissions liaison for assistance with that!

  • Department Review Forms (#1 - #5): any department review forms that were submitted.

  • Workflow Bin: the bin the application is currently in

  • Citizenship: the country of primary citizenship the applicant reported when they submitted their application

  • UCSD Email

  • ISIS-Verified PID

  • GRE Verified: will show which applicants have submitted verified GRE scores


  • Entry Term: Filter applications by specific term or multiple terms (e.g., FA24 entry term only, or FA23 & FA24 entry term)

  • Program Interest (App) OR Program Interest (App) Code: Filter applications by specific program name or major code

  • Degree Type: the degree conferred by the program the applicant has applied toDecision Reason

    • Note that this is not filtering by the degree the applicant holds from a previous institution - contact your admissions liaison for assistance with that!

  • Decision (Confirmed with dates): Filter applicants who have been admitted, accepted, declined, denied, deferred, etc. You can leave the field for dates blank, or enter a date range to see applicants who had that decision assigned within those dates.

  • Workflow Bin: Filter applicants who are currently assigned to a specific bin

  • Application Submitted: Filter applications that were submitted before or on specific dates

  • Citizenship Status: Filter applicants by reported citizenship status

  • Visa Type: Filter applicants by their Visa Type
