Slate Guides

Slate Guides

Here you will find detailed how-to guides for using Slate and the Slate Reader during your admissions process. The pages concerning the Reader icon will be most relevant for Reviewers. If you are looking for something not covered in these guides, please reach out to us so that we can fill in the gaps!

Confirm Your Permissions 

Please sign on to Slate before your application review period begins to confirm that your permissions are set up properly. Please note Slate is part of UCSD’s Single Sign-On (SSO) system; all new users must have a UCSD username that is authenticated through the SSO login process.

Adding a New User to Slate

If you need to add a new reviewer to Slate, please make sure they have completed a Slate Security Agreement. All committee members (staff, faculty, and student) must complete this agreement. Please note that distribution and maintenance of these agreements to committee members is the responsibility of each individual department.

After your new reviewer has signed the Slate Security Agreement, please contact your evaluator with the full name and UCSD email of the new user. Please note that we need the primary UCSD email of the user, not a secondary email alias. Slate requires Single Sign-On for access.

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