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Welcome to the Employee Analytics Community of Practice! Both Users of Cognos, Tableau and other tool users are invited. This reporting and analytics tools using employee data are invited to join the Employee Analytics Community of Practice (Employee Analytics CoP). This community is a great place to get have your questions answered and see real examples of how employee data is used at UCSD.Monthly meetings: By invite only, use at UC San Diego.

Employee Analytics CoP Resources

Monthly Meetings Group meetings are online and by invitation only. Attendees must have access to EAH data.  Email for an invite.

Having issues?  email

Burning questions? Slack the COP at UCSD Analytics #eah_cop

Great enhancement Ideas? User Echo or email

Want to keep up on Employee Analytics news?  Join our mail list:

Looking for pre-built report from EAH? Check out (access required)

Want to invite other a meeting invitation.

See Prior Meeting Sessions (access required) on the Employee Analytics CoP Pages

Employee Data Issues  Email with the URL, information and screenshots.

Burning Questions Chat with data experts on the Microsoft Teams Employee Analytics Community of Practice Channel.

Enhancement Ideas First check the EAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress and, if you don't see something similar, send your idea to

Keep up on Employee Analytics News  Subscribe by joining the Employee Analytics Community of Practice Google Group at

Additional Resources

Pre-built EACH reports Business Analytics Hub,

Invite teammates to be an Employee report developer?  Send your teammate them this form to request access to EAH: for EAH data integration? The data integration process can be found at Employee Activity Hub Report Developer Access Request form

EAH data integration  /wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881

Looking to search Search all the EAH views and fields?  Use this Cognos report to see what is available   EAH FCVs and Fields

Miss an Employee Analytics CoP Meeting?

Find notes and recordings here:  /wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/11175054

Additional Support

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