People in attendance
- Former user (Deleted)
- Corn, Michael (Deactivated)
- Daniel Quach
- Claire
- Hersberger, Mark (Deactivated)
- Phillip Lopo
- James Dotson
- Former user (Deleted)
- Check-in on CCR project deliverables
SharePoint Secure Portal -
Project Collab site: https://collabucsdcollab.ucsdatlassian.edunet/wiki/display/CCR/Cybersecurity+Certification+for+Research+%28CCR%29+Home
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Support-related working document:
Discussion items
Topic | Who | Comments/ Actions |
| Mark, Mike, Sean | 11/10 17 updates
11/17 updates
High Risk Lab Review process and form updates | Sean and Daniel | 11/10 updates
11/17 updates
CCR Support Process updates | All | 11/10 17 updates
11/17 updates |
HX/Qualys Alerting updates | Phillip | 11/10 17 updates
11/17 updates
Other topics
| 11/10 updates
11/17 updates