2020-11-16 CCR "Service Discussion" Agenda

2020-11-16 CCR "Service Discussion" Agenda

People in attendance


  • Discuss CCR long-term “ownership”

ITS-Pro code:   CIC-104 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Discussion items

TopicWhoComments/ Actions

Potential topics:

  • Do we consider CCR a “service”?
  • Who can/should “own” CCR going forward?
  • Start planning for eventually moving to an “operational state”


"CCR Support" is kind of the service in a sense.  For example, someone needing help with an existing installer and/or help getting an installer that we don't have already.

Suggestion is that "CCR Support" be a Service Catalog item.  And we put the items under Security, as well as under Research Technology Consulting - w/ Claire as overall owner:

  • CCR Anti-malware
  • CCR Vulnerability Identification

Another category we need to consider is 'Backup'.  For now we have best practice recommendations in place. But over time we probably should move toward offering specific option(s) under CCR.  We could do so if we can get a vendor license agreement in place and allow the RTC team to hand out licensing as needed/allowed.

Former user (Deleted) to go through Service Check-list and determine resultant actions that need to be taken care of.

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