2021-02-16 CCR Check-in Meeting Agenda, Notes and Actions

2021-02-16 CCR Check-in Meeting Agenda, Notes and Actions

People in attendance bolded

Former user (Deleted)

Corn, Michael (Deactivated)

Daniel Quach


Hersberger, Mark (Deactivated)

Phillip Lopo

James Dotson


  • Check-in on CCR project deliverables

ITS-Pro codes:   CIC-282 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Feb)

Project related links:

Main site - https://assure.ucsd.edu

Kuali form - https://certify.assure.ucsd.edu (note that certificate issue needs to be fixed)

SharePoint Secure Portal - https://ucsdcloud.sharepoint.com/sites/cybercertification/

Project Collab site: https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CCR/Cybersecurity+Certification+for+Research+%28CCR%29+Home

High Risk Labs list -

Early adopters list -

Support-related working document:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nX4SOUQL78T28xXgRo2br8yTbkvLeMo3uyxSF_ydQvg/edit?usp=sharing

Discussion items

TopicWhoComments/ Actions

Web site and SharePoint site updates

Mark and Sean

2/16 updates:

  • Per MC...  certify.assure.com was not routing.  But has been fixed.
  • MC wants us to revisit FAQs:
    • How to handle students
    • Revise the privacy content
    • Claire's team review and provide feedback?
  • Suggest one more pass of site and then we communicate the s@#t out of it.
  • Former user (Deleted) to check on any lingering Health and SDSC content/updates to make sure we have all of them on the SharePoint site (A few install packages are missing).
  • Phillip Lopo to check on FireEye install package for OSX

Process and Kuali forms

Sean and Daniel
2/16 updates:
  • Daniel, Mike and Sean met and tweaked the Kuali form to accommodate recent feedback received.

After the meeting - I pinged MC about the Certification Letter (missed it on the agenda).  He is going to check on it.

Early adopters and/or High Risk Lab submissionsSean et al

2/16 updates:

  • No new candidates as of today.
  • Next session is Monday (2/22).
CommunicationsMark et al

Prior topics/updates:

2/16 updates:

  • Comms will be the focus as we move forward.
  • Podcast interviewing Mike and Claire?  Yes!
  • Need to create a micro-presentation that Mike, Claire, etc. could use to meet with various constituencies to educate them on it.

HX/Qualys Alerting updates


2/16 updates:

CCR Support Process updates


2/16 updates:

  • Claire brought up how her team can make sure questions/tickets are routed to the correct person(s). Is there a cheat sheet and/or one person that can help with this.  Phillip Lopo to request an email list group that includes a limited set of key OIA personnel (Phillip, Daniel and ), who can can help ensure Research Team's requests get routed to the correct person(s).

Other topics

Prior updates:

  • Parking Lot for now - Guidance with regard to mobile and/or personal devices use when accessing labs and such? Create and require signature of a principle of security (patch device, anti-virus, etc.) document or something of this sort?  A one-page guidance paper can probably eventually be drafted.

2/16 updates:

  • Two recent ransomware incidents have highlighted again how important this CCR effort it.

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