People in attendance bolded
Former user (Deleted)
Corn, Michael (Deactivated)
Daniel Quach
Hersberger, Mark (Deactivated)
Phillip Lopo
- Check-in on CCR project deliverables
ITS-Pro codes:
Getting issue details...
Project related links:
Main site -
Kuali form - (note that certificate issue needs to be fixed)
SharePoint Secure Portal -
Project Collab site:
High Risk Labs list -
Early adopters list -
Support-related working document:
Discussion items
Topic | Who | Comments/ Actions |
Web site and SharePoint site updates | Mark and Sean | Previous items of note: - Former user (Deleted) to check on any lingering Health and SDSC content/updates to make sure we have all of them on the SharePoint site (A few install packages are missing).
- Phillip Lopo to check on FireEye install package for OSX
3/1 updates: 3/15 updates |
Process and Kuali forms | Sean and Daniel | 3/15 updates: |
Early adopters and/or High Risk Lab submissions | Sean et al | 3/1 updates: - Goal is to get High Risk Labs certified by summer
3/15 updates |
Communications | Mark et al | 3/1 updates: - Mark sent draft Comms Plan - ready for review by Corn, Michael (Deactivated)
- Letter for dept heads ready to go.
- Certification letter ~90% done. Corn, Michael (Deactivated) to finish this up and send to Daniel.
- Stephan's draft testimonial on its way. Corn, Michael (Deactivated) will send on to Mark when it comes in.
- Idea = Create a focus group to look at site, form, process, etc. and give feedback to us? Corn, Michael (Deactivated) to email one faculty committee, as well as recently compromised folks and see if we can scare up a focus group.
- Corn, Michael (Deactivated) to draft initial communications to...
- Dept heads/chairs
- Heads of high risk lab depts
- Cc' IT Directors on the above
3/15 updates |
HX/Qualys Alerting updates | Phillip | 3/15 updates: - Meeting set-up for 3/18, with Ed and Phillip. to build initial OTL to build alerting.
CCR Support Process updates | All | 3/1 updates: - Claire is responsible for overall program
- Daniel or Phillip (?) will responsible for OIA's day-to-day activities (i.e., OIA program manager) for this program (escalations, process break-downs, assignments of work, etc.). Daniel Quach to draft a list of what this program manager role will entail.
3/15 updates |
Other topics |
| Prior updates: - Parking Lot for now - Guidance with regard to mobile and/or personal devices use when accessing labs and such? Create and require signature of a principle of security (patch device, anti-virus, etc.) document or something of this sort? A one-page guidance paper can probably eventually be drafted.
3/15 updates: |