Insert excerpt ITS PPMO ITS PPMO nopanel true
Acronym | Full Name | Short Description |
ACMS | Academic Computing and Media Services | Legacy IT group under Academic Affairs, pre ITS. Most of the ACMS services and people now exist within Educational Technology Services and ITS Service Desk |
ACP | Animal Care Program | |
ACT | Administrative Computing and Telecommunications | Legacy IT group under Business Affairs, pre ITS. |
ACTRI | Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute | Building |
AD | Active Directory | |
ADV | Advancement Team | In charge of Blackbaud CRM/BBIS. Also called External Relations. |
ALEN | Access Link - Email and Network | Former tool for looking at account information. Replaced by Mailupd April 2, 2019. |
ALTNG | Access Link TNG | Tool for looking at Business Systems accounts, used by full-time service desk staff and Department Security Administrators |
AP ( Resnet-AP ) | Access Point | Open network at the Service Desk used for connecting blocked devices. Heavily firewalled, many servers cannot be reached through this network |
AP&M | Applied Physics & Mathematics | Building |
APOL | Academic Personnel On Line | System of suite services used for completing academic personnel actions electronically |
APS | Auxiliary & Plant Services | |
ARCH | Associated Residential Community Housing | Manages Graduate housing |
ATS | Academic Technology Services | The umbrella group within ITS that governs our service desk |
ATS | Administrative Technology Services | Formerly Provost IT. Provost group in ADTools. |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy | Generally used in reference to Resnet AUP |
AVDI | Audiovisual Design and Installation | Unit which performs audio-visual systems installations and recharge repairs for non-classroom facilities. |
AYSO | At Your Service Online | |
BBIS | Blackbaud Internet Solutions | Supplier of software usually for nonprofit organizations |
BFS | Business and Financial Services | Customer-driven financial support services for the university. Associated with ADM, CSH, DIS, GA, MLS, OPF (OPAFS), PAY, PUR, SBS, STR, SYS |
BIA | Business Intelligence and Analytics | Not on Collab |
BTS | Business Technology Services | The Business Technology Services team provides campus-wide financial enterprise systems for the UC San Diego community. We strive to consistently deliver quality and reliable information systems that help our campus achieve its administrative goals. Currently led by Kevin Chou (past Help Desk student tech and lead!) |
CCR | Co-Curricular Record | Think of it as an official Curriculum Vitae while the UCSD Transcript is the Resume. |
CDS | Cash Deposit System | Used for Deposits by Cashiering Services |
CE | Customer Engagement | Team lead by Morgan and includes; Service Desk, Field Services, ITSM Support, Workstation Lifecycle, Service Operations. |
CIFS | Common Internet File System | Stores files online, quotas for students are found in SALT |
CIOPS | Computing Infrastructure Operations | Now incorporated into ITS-EducationalComputingEnvironments |
CIRT | Computer Incident Response Team | Investigates and resolves computer security incidents |
CLETS | California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System | The computer network that connects public safety agencies across the state to criminal histories, driver records, and other databases. |
CRM | Constituent Relationship Management | Advancement. Must use Active Directory and UCSD IP Space to use |
CSC | Campus Services Complex OR Career Services Center | If a user is part of FM (Facilities Management), it stands for Campus Services Complex. Campus Services Complex has many buildings. |
CSR | Customer Service Request | Will cost money to user. Support line is x44277 |
CTRI (same as ACTRI) | Clinical and Translational Research Institute | Building |
CUB | Central Utilities Building | Formerly the location of ACT Help Desk. Telecom Ops and Directory Services are at this location. |
Datacomm | Data Communications | |
DARS | Degree Audit Reporting System - uAchieve | Degree audit system for UC San Diego - uAchieve. Students and advisors can check each student’s progress toward their degree. Advisors can view an audit for a particular student or run audits for groups of students by using the batch option. |
DOPE | Distribution of Payroll Expense | Payroll Reports within FinancialLink |
DSA | Department Security Administrators | Manage Business Systems within |
DSS | Division of Social Sciences | Often listed as Object Owner on AD Tools for people in Social Sciences. IT Support provided by Social Sciences Computing Facility. |
DYGWYW | Did you get what you wanted (dig-wha) | Urgent Response Duty |
EBU 1/2/3 | Engineering Building Unit | Building |
EdTech | Educational Technology | Incorporated into Instructional Computing Services. Assists with online classroom utilities (TritonEd, Podcasts, Turnitin, etc) |
EMFIS | Enrollment Management & Financial Information Services | |
EPET | Electronic Payroll Expense Transfers | Cost (expense) transfer system within FinancialLink |
EPIC | Electronic Patient Information Collaborative | Healthcare patient database system |
EPIC Program | Explore Prepare Innovate Connect | A Postdoctoral program, not to be confused with EPIC health care system |
ETS | Educational Technology Support | Same as EdTech - Assists with online classroom utilities (TritonEd, Podcasts, turnitin, etc) |
EVC | (Office of the) Executive Vice Chancellor | |
EVCATS | Executive Vice Chancellor Chancellor Administrative Technology Services | Another name for the Administrative Technology Services team |
FIS | Financial Information Systems | |
FS | Field Support | FSW - Field Support West, FSC - Field Support Central, FSE - Field Support East |
HDH | Housing, Dining, and Hospitality | |
HRIS | Human Resources Information Systems | |
IAM | Identity Access Management | |
IFIS | Integrated Financial Information System | Application on the mainframe (TN3270/ |
IGPP | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics | |
IH | In House | Computer Maintenance/Repair section at the Service Desk |
ISIS | Integrated Student Information System | Application on the mainframe (TN3270/ |
ITS | Information Technology Services | |
ITS-PRO | IT Service's Project Management, Reporting, and Optimization | IT Service's JIRA platform |
I&R | Installation and Repair | |
IUS | Instruction User Services | Instructional User Services is now Instructional Computing Services |
JSOE | Jacobs School of Engineering | |
mailupd | Mail update | legacy tool for looking at the UCSD user/mail account. Though most people are encouraged to use ALEN, some groups/people still use this as their primary tool...especially when there are access issues with ALEN. |
NAC ( Resnet-NAC ) | Resnet - Network Access Control | Used to simulated the Resnet network as if at the six colleges |
NCS | Network Control System | Tool that displays network information for UCSD-Protected/Guest networks |
np (Cplot) | No Print | Cplot np is the "no print" queue that provides user with a preview and estimate for their print job. Does not actually print or cost anything to send a job to np. |
NRS | Non-registered student | |
OARS | Office of Academic Recruitment Services | |
OSM | Official Student Messaging | |
OTL | Object Task List | ITS-PRO version of a Work Breakdown Structure organized by objects (deliverables) and tasks associated with said objects. |
OU | Organizational Unit (in Active Directory) | Organizational unit (OU) is a subdivision within an Active Directory that you can place users, groups, computers, and other organizational units for administration of these objects. Most of the time, our Active Directory (AD) OUs reflect our UCSD departments and business unit division. |
PAC | Personal Access Code | Used for Tritonlink sign in |
PCH / PCYN / PCYNH | Pepper Canyon Hall | Building |
PD | Police Department | Police Department is a high priority group covered by ITS Field Support. See Field Support page for details on how to triage these tickets. |
PID | Personal Identification | Given to students by Registrar |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information | |
POS | Point of Sale | Point of sale systems are where a transaction takes place between a merchant and a customer. Usually refers to a credit card and cash register combination. |
PPMO | Project Portfolio Management Office | |
PPS | Payroll Personnel System | Application on the mainframe (TN3270/ |
PRO | Project Management, Reporting, and Optimization Platform | ITS-PRO tracks project and daily tasks of ITS Staff |
REAL | Research Experience & Applied Learning (REAL) Portal | The REAL Portal offers research, internship, international, service learning, entrepreneurial, leadership, and other co-curricular opportunities that help students build real-world skills and apply knowledge gained in the classroom. |
REDCap | Research Electronic Data Capture | Managed by Clinical Translational Research Institute |
RIMS | Record Information Management System | Record management system / server on VMWare used by the UCSD Police Department and supported by ITS Field Support |
RMP | Resource Management and Planning | |
SALT | Student Account Lookup Tool | |
SAM | Student Aid Management | Application on the mainframe (TN3270/ |
SATS | Student Affairs Technology Services | |
SBS | Student Business Services | |
SDR | Sensitive Data Remediation | ITS uses Spirion to insure sensitive data is not compromised |
SCRM | Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine | Research group/Building |
SDSC | San Diego Supercomputer Center | |
SHS | Student Health Services | |
SIO | Scripts Institute of Oceanography | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | Set of agreements that define the type of services, quality of services, and speed of service being provided. We use SLAs in ServiceNow to track how fast quickly incidents are responded to (factoring in priority) |
SMT | Senior Management Team | The senior person(s) for each department i.e. ITS, BFS, Architecture, etc. |
SNOW / SNow | ServiceNow | ITSM tool support by Customer Engagement team and use |
SOM-IT | School of Medicine IT | No longer a separate group - bundled into Health Information Services |
SOC | Network Security Operations Center | |
SSCF | Social Science Computing Facility | |
SSO | Single Sign-On | Some users will also reference Business Systems as SSO. |
Telecom | Telecommunications Operations | |
TMS | TeleManagement System | Physical Phone and Network repair ticketing system |
TPCS | Torrey Pines Center South | Building |
TPCN | Torrey Pines Center North | Building |
UBPS | Unix Business Platforms Services | Division of the Applications Platforms team. Manage Redhat Satellite servers. |
UCOP | University of California Office of the President | |
WBPS | Windows Business Platform Services | Division of the Applications Platforms team. |
WIRE | Workplace Internal Research Education | Backend support of AD, Exchange... Former group - WIRE has now combined with BPS to become Application Platforms |
WTS | Workplace Technology Services OR Web Technology Services |