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Departments requesting employment exceptions should submit the appropriate form and any additional documentation through the Financial Support Exceptions Google Form.  

Acceptable Requests

  • A change in job code, percentage of effort, class or course, or dates will require a new approval.
    • NEW 2021/22: If a NST appointment has been approved by the Dean of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) and the Department/Program would like to increase or decrease the appointment up to 5%, a new request is NOT required.  However, the Department/Program will need to notify of GEPA of the update.  We will keep the request on files for our records.  
  • Please address and attach recent teaching evaluations, if available (if no evaluations are available, please indicate).
  • A biography form for the non-student must be completed and submitted with the exception letter; you may use the form provided in this section.
  • Biography forms will be valid for three (3) calendar years.  A new biography form must be submitted after three years. 
  • NEW as of Summer 2023: Requests for Non-Student hires (aka NSTs) are being accepted through a new pilot process. Instead of using the same Exception Request Google form as the other exceptions, we are using Docusign to process these requests. Please follow the instructions below to complete the form via Docusign.


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Campus policy is that registered students in good standing should be offered all available positions as Teaching Assistants, Readers, or Tutors. It is an exception to appoint a non-student to perform these services and requires pre-approval by the Dean of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA).

Prior to the appointment, departments should follow these procedures:

  1. A department or program must make a thorough search to determine that there is no student available for the position. This can be done through the IA System, an e-mail distributed to other departments advertising the position.
    1. The hiring department should review the Graduate Student Funding Policy when considering applicants outside of the University.  See Graduate Student Funding Policy and this memo from 11/08/19 for details.
  2. If it is determined that there are no qualified students available, a request for exception to hire a non-student must be submitted to the Dean of GEPA
  3. Once the department receives notification of the Dean’s approval, it may proceed with the online payroll action.

Pay Rate

  • Refer to the Student Academic Title Rates chart published by GEPA
  • A non-student who has received the baccalaureate degree is paid at the appropriate graduate student pay rate
  • A non-student who does not hold the baccalaureate degree is paid at the appropriate undergraduate student pay rate

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titleComplete Exception Request Form

Non-Student Tutor/Reader Exception Request Form (The form will open in Docusign)

Non-Student Biography Form AY.dotx (This form template opens in Microsoft Word.  After completing all fields, save as a PDF to add an electronic signature or signature image.)

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Review the Financial Support Calendar for review period and due dates.  Submit the Non-Student Tutor/Reader Exception Request Form prior to the start of the quarter.   They will be reviewed in order they are received.

Non-Student Tutor and Reader Exception Request Form Instructions

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titleEmployee Information & Proposed Employment

When you click the link to use the NST Exception Request Form, you will be prompted to enter this information: 

 Enter the department coordinator & department chair/program director info. You will receive a copy once the form is completed.

Employee Information

Name (Last, First):Name of non-student; leave blank if you are requesting a blanket exception for your department
NST Serving in the Role of: Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Reader

Period of Employment

Quarter:eg. FA23, WI24, SP24, S124 
Start Date:Appointment start date
End Date:Appointment end date

Appointment Information

Hiring Department:Department hiring the non-student
Job Code:eg. 2510, 2500
Percent Time:Percentage of the appointment (eg. 50.00%, 25.00%, etc.). Enter as decimal and the form will auto-format to a percentage (eg. 0.50 → 50.00%)
100% Pay Rate:

Pay rate of the proposed appointment and specify monthly or annually. This should be the 100% rate (hourly, monthly, or annual) that can be found on Student Academic Title Pay Rates for the applicable academic year.

Update 7/27/23: NSTs  will be subject to the Experience Based Salary Wage Schedule. Employment in the Teaching Assistant (002310) and employment in the Non-Student Tutor serving in the role of Teaching Assistant (002510) titles equivalent to 25% for the duration of the quarter will count towards “University teaching experience. 

Class or Course:Specify class or course non-student will be hired for

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titleDepartment Certifications

Describe the department's certifications and attach Biography Form if not on file. Text will auto-shrink to fit in the box, but if you feel that more space is needed, please attach a separate document with this request.

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titleDepartment Justification

Describe the department's need or justifications. Text will auto-shrink to fit in the box, but if you feel that more space is needed, please attach a separate document with this request.

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titleNon-Student Qualifications

Describe the Non-Student Tutor/Reader qualifications. Text will auto-shrink to fit in the box, but if you feel that more space is needed, please attach a separate document with this request.

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titleDepartment Approvals

Electronic signatures are acceptable.

The first approval line should be completed by the user submitting the form (i.e. department coordinator). The second department line should be signed by the department chair or program director

Employment Forms