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Welcome to the Employee Analytics Community of Practice! Both Users of Cognos, Tableau and other tool users are invited. This reporting and analytics tools using employee data are invited to join the Employee Analytics Community of Practice (Employee Analytics CoP). This community is a great place to get have your questions answered and see real examples of how employee data is used at UCSD.Monthly meetings: By invite only, use at UC San Diego.

Employee Analytics CoP Resources

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Burning Questions Chat with data experts on the Microsoft Teams Employee Analytics Community of Practice Channel.

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There are different access forms based on the type of access you need:

  1. If you want to run the HR/Payroll reports found at then you’ll need to fill out the UCPath Reports Access Request form.  You will need to fill out this form more than once if you want more than one group of HR/Payroll reports.
  2. If you want to build reports in Cognos or Tableau using EAH then you’ll need to fill out Employee Activity Hub Report Developer Access Request.
  3. If you want to run an EAH report built by your local report developer then you'll need to fill out Employee Activity Hub Report Consumer Access Request and request your report developer add you to the AD group that has access to their reports.
  4. If you want to run the HR/Payroll report and also be a EAH Report developer then you will need to fill out both #1 and #2 from above.
  5. If you want to run your local EAH reports  and also be a EAH Report Developer then you will need to fill out both #2 and #3 from above.
  6. If you want to run the HR/Payroll reports and run your local reports and also be an EAH Report Developer then you will need to fill out #1, #2 and #3.
  7. If you are a data integration developer then read this page and follow the steps:

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Pre-built EACH reports Business Analytics Hub,

Invite teammates to be an Employee report developer?  Send your teammate them this form to request access to EAH: Employee Activity Hub Report Developer Access Request form

Looking for EAH data integration? integration  /wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881

Looking to search Search all the EAH views and fields?    EAH FCVs and Fields

Looking for Cognos or Tableau training using EAH data?    /wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/11175625

Reference Pages

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Meeting Notes and Recordings

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title2020-10-20 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking:  ACOP-169

Attendees:  21 people


FTE Funding %

Start in EAH-PositionFunding-View

There is no field to provide this information, it has to be calculated.

FTE In Progress

In progress:  Anna Nordeen working with ITS-BIA to create a compensation rate for employee per funding (Fin Unit, Fund, Function, Project, Task)

Requires using EAH and FINAH together.

From EAH-PositionFunding-View

  • Employee ID
  • Position
  • Position Funding Earnings Type Code
  • Position Funding CCOA Project
  • Position Funding CCOA Task
  • Position Funding Budget Sequence Indicator
  • Position Funding Budget Sequence Number
  • Job Compensation
  • Job FTE
  • Position Funding Distribution Percent
  • Employee Status = Active
  • HR Status = Active
  • Position Funding AsOf Indicator = Current
  • Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator = Maximum

Still working through exceptions.  IE, over the cap amount, need to filter out blank earn codes.

This is the high-level formula that we are basing our work-in-progress derived FTE field from (Position Funding View in the EAH):

((Position Funding Distribution %/ SUM of Position Funding Distribution %)* Job FTE)

Again, there are nuances like the unused blank earn codes, effort bearing earn codes, OTC earn codes, etc that we are still working to hammer out. Hopefully we can share soon once we tie this effort out.

Where do you find faculty funding over time?

Goal:  build a report of faculty who were teaching summer session

Changes:  change from EAH-Workforce-View to EAH-LLSalary-View to see what has already been paid out.

Galina will follow up with Andy and Anna.

Where do you find stipends?

Andy:  Currently we don't bring in the additional pay into the EAH-PositionFunding-View, we have a separate EAH-AddlPayDetail-View.  Both are in the EAH-LLSalary-View for after the values are paid out.  Recommend bringing in the Position Funding Earning Type Code with history to see the rows but this will not bring in the $$.

Marcela will put in a request to join the EAH-AddlPayDetail-View with EAH-PositionFunding-View.

UC know issue for hire date.

Adrian Petersen:   There is a known issue with Employee Original hire date data in the EAH for some employees. I spoke with Kelly Maheu and David Mandell about it. I guess it's a known, although not by many people, issue that UCI and UCLA are also aware of and have had to create work-arounds in their reports. I'm not sure if anyone else has found this as well.

It is a manual calculation inserted into the report that looks at the minimum employee original start date for that employee. The issue has only been identified so far with Summer Session job code appointments.  So the primary job code has the correct date but the summer session appointment does not.  I've only noticed this with Summer Session Faculty job codes so far.

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title2020-07-21 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking:  ACOP-169


AnnouncementCognos Packages and Tableau Data Sources that were used for UAT will be deleted on Wednesday 7/22 morning.  If you have not re-pointed your report at the productionQuestion:  Is there an Appointment Hierarchy?Look under Employee ClassQuestion: What field do you use to group employees into 'Academic', 'Faculty', etc?

CTO and Employee Class

Employee Class

Question:  Where can we find field definitions?/wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881 > Employee Activity Hub FCVs and Fields > Open the drawer for "Employee Activity Hub available data - view summary".  In the drawer you can use the link for 'Glossary for UC Path' to see what UCOP has provided UCSD or you can click on "Crowd Sourced Map between PPS and EAH"Question:  Where can we find the HR/Payroll reports if we want to modify them?
  • You can email to request an enhancement to any of the HR/Payroll reports found on and cc David Mandell and Brian Lorentz.  If HR/Payroll decides the enhancement works for the entire campus then the report will be updated.  If not, HR/Payroll can share the report with you via Cognos DEV > Business User Development > Communities of Practice Shared Development
  • In general, the report owner will need to share a report with you.  Access is not automatically give for all developers to make copies of other developer's reports.
Question:  Is there a distribution % based on chart string elements instead of distribution % on earn code?

Brian Lorentz = payroll does more of that than HR does.

Shiela Carlson = Will follow up with Nini and Pearl.

Question: Can we get a member of payroll on the Employee COP Calls?Sarah will reach out to Sheila CarlsonQuestion: Does anyone have a report to compare department data to campus wide data?

How can we show all campus vs department?

Sarah:  yes, submit a ticket to and we can create calculated fields for the entire campus that would be the denominator for % calculations and would remain the same separate from security.

Question: Is the new Manager Flag using the same logic as the Supervisor report?Sarah & Andy:  Yes.  The Manager Flag is looking to see if the employee is listed in the "Reports To" field.  The Supervisor report is showing the person in the "Reports To" field.Question: How do you see an Inactive person with a UCPath record?Recommend using HR Status field.  Will need other fields if you are looking for why they are inactive.Question: Where should we send new developers that have lots of business questions?Recommend using EAH-Workforce-View to start and then move to other views as needed.  Also recommend providing more guidance and training around EAH-Workforce-View. Ui expand
title2020-07-14 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking:  ACOP-169


LL Employee 
  • Cognos Filters, grouping and distinct explained and demonstrated
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title2020-07-07 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking:  ACOP-169


Security Announcement
  • BIA has been requested to implement security on EAH such that only UCPath Transactors will be able to see UCPath data for what they are transacting upon
  • All others will need to fill out the UCPath Cognos Reports Access Request and specify the data they need
  • BIA will implement the new security into Hana QA, Tableau QA and Cognos DEV
  • You will have a week to test the new security before BIA moves it into Hana PROD, Tableau Prod, Cognos QA and Cognos PROD
  • You will also have this time to request additional access to UCPath data via EAH
Security Questions
  • Will I be able to see people who are not 100% in my department?
  • Answer = Yes.  If a person is in your requested area, even at less then 10%, you will see all of their positions and jobs as part of your requested data.
  • When will the form be ready?
  • Answer = The form will be ready by the end of the week, right now the UCPathReports team is adding some text to make instructions more clear.
  • When will prod be updated?
  • Answer = One week after we implement the new security into Hana QA, Tableau QA and Cognos DEV.
  • What if we need access to everything?
  • Answer = You can fill out the UCPath Cognos Reports Access Request and request 'University' access
  • What about when using blended data?
  • Answer = If you use EAH in your report the type of join you use in your report will drive what the consumer will see.  If you use an inner join then the user will only see data based on their approved UCPath data.  If the consumer has no access to UCPath then they will see nothing in your report.  If you use a left/right join or outer join the consumer will see their UCPath approved data + all of the other activity hub.  If the consumer has no access to UCPath then they will see blank data in the EAH fields and only the other activity hub.
  • How does this affect people who run the reports?
  • Answer
  • Will there be any views that do not have security applied?
  • How will clients get access? 
  • Answer = They will need to fill out the form or you will need to fill it out for them.
  • How is the form routed?
  • Answer = 1) goes to your supervisor, 2) data steward, 3) ITS for physical addition to the exception table.  Can email after 48 business hours to see if your request is stuck.
  • What are the transaction roles?  How do I know if I am one?
  • What about new hires who don't currently have access?  What forms to they fill out?
  • What do report developers need to fill out?
  • What do report consumers fill out?
Security Questions - Data Integration
  • How will this impact the data integration folks? 
  • Scenario:  Machine to machine using API = API can use the generic account, one of the parameters passed should be the AD account of the person in the application, this parameter will engage the security.  When the API pulls there needs to be a WHERE clause to identify the person in the application.
  • Scenario: Machine to machine using Nifi = Nifi can use the generic account and target application is expected to set the appropriate security.  Example: Batch Jobs
  • Mindy Peng - Please set up a meeting with Jonathan Whitman, Judy White, Sowmya Sekar, Say-Ho Tan and Russia Madden regarding APIs and security.  Sarah Parnell optional.
  • Mindy Peng - Please set up a meeting with Jonathan Whitman and Judy White regarding the future of Nifi.
Security Use Case
  • How will people look up salaries across campus for grant application? May be needed within 24 hours for turn around.  Consumer would need to see the title and salary in order to fill out their grant application.  Consumer would need access to all of campus.
  • Answer = Consumer would need to request 'University' access via the UCPath

Security Use Case

  • What about people that process Direct that considered a transact role that gets access by default? Or do they have to request access?
  • Answer = Saparnell will ask PMBI if this is a transactor role and how users will know if they are transactors.
Common Data
  • Department Hierarchy
  • VC Area
  • CCOA
  • EAH-Role-View
How to get a data integration set up? Ui expand
title2020-06-23 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


Can you confirm that IDENTITY_EMAIL_ADDRESS is ultimately sourced from affiliates_dw.affiliates_safe_attributes.vanity_email_long?


It comes from VANITY_EMAIL_LONG, but if that's null then it uses VANITY_EMAIL_EMAIL and yes, both are from affiliates_safe_attributes

Can you talk about the new security rules coming for EAH?

  • By default, users will see only the department they belong to.
  • Report developers can request additional departments as an exception via a form to come soon.
  • Report consumers can request additional departments as an exception via a form to come soon.
  • You can request additional departments for other people if they are unable or unwilling to fill out the form
  • If you see a person in the department, then you do see everything about that person, even if they work for another department at the same time

Is there a way to join EAH and SAH data?

In progress:  EAH Enhancements In Progress

Enhancements to add Identitify fields like Student PID and Instructor PID.

Is there a source for ALL potential codes regardless of whether UCSD is currently using that code. It helps to know sometimes what codes exist as options but are not currently being used. It's the missing codes, the ones UCSD isn't currently using (if they exist).  For example Employee Class Code / Employee Code.

EAH-JobCodeSalaryPlan-View has all Job codes.

EAH-DepartmentHierarchy-View has all Departments.

EAH-Position-View has all Positions.

Would need to know what other codes you are interested in seeing.

Are there any upcoming changes to EAH?

BIA is removing fields that have been indicated as unnecessary, redundant, confusing or not being used at UCSD at this time.  This will make help focus EAH on critical fields.  Fields will be removed from the views but not from EAH, so we can bring the fields back whenever needed.

BIA is looking through reports published to Tableau QA, Tableau Prod and Cognos > Team Content to see if we have broken anyone's reports.  We cannot see what is saved to your desktop or in your Cognos > My Content area.  We don't want to break any reports so we don't want to remove something that people are using.

Will there be a document that has these duplicating fields grouped?

We can create one and make it available to EAH developers.

who should we contact if we found payroll transaction errors? in my case, faculty payroll index BIOFEXC (special index for this one non-BIO faculty) has vacation reimbursement Acct 611850, and the UCRP supplement assessment interest was much higher than the monthly charge from July to April.

Is the data coming from EAH matching UCPath?

Email or Shelia Carlson on the payroll team.

In the Column Group 'EAH LL Salary All', I am getting column 'LL_Salary_CCOA'. Could you describe each of the segments that make up this chart string?

If the following two segments are not part of the existing chart string, can you add these two or let me know how I can get to them if they already exist in the labor ledger data?:

a. --PRODUCT (Char 6) --> OFC_Task (PPM)

b. --CHARTFIELD2 (Char 10) --> OFC_FundingSource(PPM)

This was given to BIA by the FIS team but we do have a document we can share.


UCPath Chartfield

CCOA Label






































Send Isabella Parkingson an email if you would like access to her CCOA tool.

I actually have a quick question as a follow-up to snapshots? If we want to show who was added or let go in the month, can we use EAH?  We are currently using Job Actions.

EAH-Workforce-View > Job Action Information would be the way to go

I have another quick question - is there a way to see future hires? Our departments have grad students starting at a future date but already entered in the system, but it would be great to see them in our funding report before there start date. (Marcela Alvarez)

There are no filters set to prevent future data from coming in.  If you see data in UCPath that is not in EAH please email us the examples at Ui expand
title2020-06-19 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


Recreating a snapshot report using AsOf FieldsHow To Do Snapshot Reporting with AsOf FieldsCognos Training Chart Of Accounts

At present in Position Funding CCOA, Task is filled with “Task Description”. When will this be filled with actual data?

Is there a timeline for including the CCOA into the views other than Position Funding View?

EAH is currently waiting on Oracle.  We won't load any Oracle test data into EAH b/c we don't want to create confusion.

Is there anyone who has a project to humanize the names in the EAH fields, in a consistent manner? They are very descriptive, but also very database-like. It would be nice if we could in a standard way, come up with Alias’ that make sense.

There was a lot of effort put into the names to make them as clear as possible but we are seeing that users are having a hard time converting from the old 'appointment' names to the new 'job / position' names.  Please let us know if there is any documentation, training or road shows we can put together to help your users adapt to the new names coming from UCPath. Ui expand
title2020-06-12 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


The Position Funding view has all the records going back for all fiscal years. To see what is the current of Position Funding, we will need the filter

The minimum amount of filtering that will be required to return the current or top row of Position Funding view.

  • Position Funding AsOf Indicator =Current
  • Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator = Maximum
Sample Report Data Fields

Create a sample report using the Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator =Maximum as filter and include the following data fields from Position Funding View.

  • Employee ID and group this data field
  • Position Funding AsOf Indicator = Current and group this data field
  • Position Funding Effective Sequence Number 
  • Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator = Maximum
  • Position Funding Budget Sequence Number sort descending
  • Position Funding Budget Sequence Indicator
  • Position Funding CCOA
  • Position Funding Earnings Type Code
  • Position Funding Distribution Percent
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title2020-06-09 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


Attendees:  Sarah Parnell, Andy Beecham, Dan Xu, Kathryn Brumfield, Daniel Redfern, Ari Widjaja, Chaozi Chen, Cheryl Kettnich, Chester Yao, Chun Qian, Csilla Csori, Eric Rosenzweig, Galina Belokurova, Irene Xavier, Jonathan Whitman, Karen Gerstoft, Kenny Valdivia, Kerry Knight, Kristine Kilanski, Lucie chan, Marco Hermosillo, Mark Cheney, Michael Weinfeld, Steven Higgins, Steven Machado, Sama Hosseini Porgham

What does materialized mean?

  • It means that after UCOP sends us the data, BIA runs the scripts to re-organize the data into our set up tables and then we materialize (copy & paste as values) to the final FCV tables
  • Steve Higgins: can we also get the date time that UCOP sends us table to see when the data leaves UCOP
  • Andy: yes, we can add that
I am looking for the hourly pay rate for the hourly paid position on EAH. I searched on several views but couldn't find it. Does anyone know where it is on EAH?
  • In the meeting we check EAH-Workforce-View and EAH-PositionFunding-View but the employee examples provided were converted with an Hourly Rate of 0 so EAH was showing the same amount as seen in UCPath
I'm trying to use the EAH-PositionFunding-View but am not seeing all of the records (my own name isn't part of the data). Am I using the wrong view or will the data be loaded at a future date?
  • Not all positions are funded, we would need to confirm with a UCPath person that your position meets their criteria for funded
  • Please email so we can do more research
EAH-PositionFunding-View is showing more than 100% for Position Funding Distribution Percent
  • When using that field you need to change the field aggregation to 'none' and include a filter for 'Position Funding AsOf Indicator'='Current', 'Position Funding Effective Sequence Indicator'='Maximum', and 'Position Funding Budget Sequence Indicator'='Maximum'
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title2020-06-05 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


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title2020-06-03 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


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title2020-05-26 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


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title2020-05-14 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


ResourcesWhere do we find sick and vacation off?
  • EAH Workforce or EAH Accrual Hours
Where do we find common chart of account fields?
  • They will be labeled 'CCOA' and are found in the 'Labor Ledger' or 'LL' views.  We've just added a default CCOA fields to Workforce which will be available in most views.
Will ps_valid_combo_tbl be added to EAH?
  • Monica Gudea: The ps_valid_combo_tbl is the UCPath tableau that has all the FAU's with combocode.
  • The ps_valid_combo_tbl is no currently in EAH.
  • EAH-PositionFunding-View has the Combo Code
  • Are you looking for the combo codes separate from the employee?
  • Patti Camancho = Combo codes separate from Funding.
  • Resolution: Andy will log this as a future enhancement for Combo Code with no Person.

Is the distribution data part of EAH Position Funding Basic column grouping?

  • yes

Is the Identity_Key field supposed to be one to one with Employee ID ?

  • No.  We are receiving duplicates from the Affiliates table but we hope to have most of that resolved as of tonight's run.

should the column group: EAH.Identity_Demographics just have the most recent record or will it have history as well?

  • No history but we are receiving duplicates from the Affiliates table but we hope to have most of that resolved as of tonight's run.  We're working with that team to identify which duplicate rows can be removed.
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title2020-04-03 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


ResourcesHow do we validate data?
  • Hana-Prod and Hana-QA will not match.  Hana-QA is Delta test data and there is more data here.  Hana-Prod is a small set of UCOP data.
  • Can test Hana-Prod vs PPS, but will be very blank in Hana-Prod.
  • Can test Hana-Prod vs DDODS, but will be very blank in Hana-Prod and not a lot of people have access to
What happens when the column group is blank?
  • Check the Where clause, if the field name changed then you won't get an error, you will only get blank data.
  • Check the Where clause, if the field name does not exist in EAH then you won't get an error, you will only get blank data.
  • If you are looking at Hana-Prod there will be a lot of blank data.
If a developer is looking is for a field but can't find it, what do they do?
  • Search Cognos
  • Post to Slack
Can we see funding information?
  • Check EAH-PositionFunding-View, you will see the Oracle funding
Is Vice Chancellor based on Funding or Home position?
  • Person's job, not Funding
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title2020-04-03 Employee Analytics COP

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


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title2020-03-11 Kickoff

Time Tracking: ACOP-169


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Find notes and recordings here:  /wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/11175054

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