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How to Use Query Templates

titleClick here first to read about how to use and create copies of these templates.

To use any of these query templates, click the down arrow that is next to the Edit button to the right of the query’s name. In that dropdown, select Copy Query.

In the next box that pops up, enter a descriptive name for your query using our Labeling Queries guidelines. Change the User to your own name, and change the Folder to your department’s folder. Click Save.

You will automatically be brought to the main page for your new, copied query! You will need to click Edit Query on the right in order to add the “Program Interest (App) Code” filter to filter for your specific department codes.


Commonly Used Exports

  • Name: applicant’s full name , including both legal and preferred (in parentheses)Preferred Name: applicant’s preferred name as entered on applicationlisted as “Last, First”

  • Ref: Slate application reference number - helpful to have when you’re asking us about a specific person!

  • Program Interest (App): the program listed on the applicationthe applicant has applied to

  • Entry Term:the entry term listed on the applicationthe applicant has applied to

  • Degree Type: the degree level listed on the applicationconferred by the program the applicant has applied to

    • Note that this is not going to show you a degree they earned previously at a different institution and listed in their Academic History - contact your admissions liaison for assistance with that!

  • Department Review Forms (#1 - #5): any department review forms that were submitted.

  • Workflow Bin: the bin the application is currently in

  • Citizenship: the country of primary citizenship the applicant reported when they submitted their application

  • UCSD Email

  • ISIS-Verified PID

  • GRE Verified: will show which applicants have submitted verified GRE scores


  • Entry Term: Filter applications by specific term or multiple terms (e.g., FA24 entry term only, or FA23 & FA24 entry term)

  • Program Interest (App) OR Program Interest (App) Code: Filter applications by specific program name or major codeDecision Reason

  • Degree Type: the degree conferred by the program the applicant has applied to

    • Note that this is not filtering by the degree the applicant holds from a previous institution - contact your admissions liaison for assistance with that!

  • Decision (Confirmed with dates): Filter applicants who have been admitted, accepted, declined, denied, deferred, etc. You can leave the field for dates blank, or enter a date range to see applicants who had that decision assigned within those dates.

  • Workflow Bin: Filter applicants who are currently assigned to a specific bin

  • Application Submitted: Filter applications that were submitted before or on specific dates

  • Citizenship Status: Filter applicants by reported citizenship status

  • Visa Type: Filter applicants by their Visa Type
