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titleAbout the Dissertation Year Fellowships

There are three types of Dissertation Year Fellowships that are offered annually during the Spring Quarter.

  • UC President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship (PDYF)

  • Fletcher Jones Fellowship (FJF)

  • Dissertation Year Fellowship funded by the Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship Fund (MAF)

Each fellowship is named and detailed below. All three fellowships are terminal support awards and only candidates projected to finish during the twelve-month award period (July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025) should be nominated. Convincing evidence that the nominee can complete all degree requirements by June 30, 2025 will be an important consideration in selecting Fellows. Fellowship recipients will be selected from one pool of nominations. Fellowships will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary group of faculty and staff.

Applicants should be nominated by their graduate programs; no self-nominations will be accepted. Graduate Programs may nominate a total of three candidates across all three dissertation year fellowships. This is a combined total of three nominations for the Dissertation Year Fellowship, the Fletcher Jones Fellowship, and the Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship.

The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, April 29, 2024 at 11:59pm. nomination period for AY24-25 Dissertation Year Fellowships has closed. Nominations for AY25-26 will be accepted in Spring 2025.

Fellowship Descriptions and Nomination Guidelines


titleEligibility Requirements
  1. A U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or a student who qualifies for nonresident tuition exemption under AB 540.

  2. Candidate must have advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree at the time of nomination.

  3. Candidate must be making satisfactory progress towards completing the dissertation such that a dissertation-year award will be sufficient for the candidate to complete all Ph.D. degree requirements during the award year.

  4. Acceptance that the award precludes instructional employment in graduate academic titles for recipients during their tenure as Dissertation Year Fellows (with the exception of the time period spanning the conclusion of Spring courses to the first day of Fall courses). Additionally, supplemental Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) or research fellow appointments will be considered by exception request provided the research supports the Fellow’s dissertation work.

  5. Eligibility for student support through the award period. 

  6. All doctoral degree programs under the jurisdiction of the EVC-Academic Affairs are eligible.


Five (5) candidates will be awarded the UC President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship. Each award will include:

  • $31,000 stipend

  • $500 travel allowance, to be used for travel to another school or campus in California

  • The full cost of resident tuition** and fees must also be covered on the student’s behalf. The student’s degree-granting program is responsible for identifying the funding source and disbursing the tuition & fee payments.

This fellowship is a terminal support award. Nominated candidates must be projected to finish during the twelve-month award period (July 1 through June 30). Convincing evidence that the nominee can complete all degree requirements by June 30 will be an important consideration in the selection process. Awards will be made by the Dean of the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs.


titleEligibility Requirements
  1. A U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or a student who qualifies for nonresident tuition exemption under AB 540.

  2. Must demonstrate financial need.

  3. Candidate must have advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree at the time of nomination.

  4. Candidate must be making satisfactory progress towards completing the dissertation such that a dissertation-year award will be sufficient for the candidate to complete all Ph.D. degree requirements during the award year.

  5. Acceptance that the award precludes instructional employment in graduate academic titles for recipients during their tenure as Fletcher Jones Fellows (with the exception of the time period spanning the conclusion of Spring courses to the first day of Fall courses). Additionally, supplemental Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) or research fellow appointments will be considered by exception request provided the research supports the Fellow’s dissertation work.

  6. Eligibility for student support through the award period.

  7. All disciplines offered by the General Campus are eligible, with the exception of Business Management. The disciplines offered in the Health Sciences are also eligible, with the exception of Medicine.


titleEligibility Requirements
  1. Candidate must demonstrate a highly distinguished academic record for the field.

  2. Candidate must have advanced to candidacy for an academic doctoral degree at the time of nomination.

  3. Candidate must be making satisfactory progress toward completing the dissertation such that a dissertation-year award will be sufficient for the candidate to complete all doctoral degree requirements during the award year.

  4. Acceptance that the award precludes instructional employment in graduate academic titles for recipients during their tenure as Dissertation Year Fellows (with the exception of the time period spanning the conclusion of Spring courses to the first day of Fall courses). Additionally, supplemental Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) or research fellow appointments will be considered by exception request provided the research supports the Fellow’s dissertation work.

  5. Eligibility for student support through the award period.

  6. All disciplines doctoral degree programs under the jurisdiction of the VC EVC-Academic Affairs are eligible.  Business Management and Health Sciences are not eligible.


One (1) candidate will be selected for the Dissertation Year Fellowship funded by the Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship Fund. Each award will include:

  • Stipend of $31,000

  • The full cost of resident tuition** and fees must also be covered on the student’s behalf. The student’s degree-granting program is responsible for identifying the funding source and disbursing the tuition & fee payments.

This fellowship is a terminal support award. Nominated candidates must be projected to finish during the twelve-month award period (July 1 through June 30). Convincing evidence that the nominee can complete all degree requirements by June 30 will be an important consideration in the selection process. Awards will be made by the Dean of the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs.


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nameDissertationYearFellowships_CoverPage 04.28.2023.pdf


The deadline for submission is Monday, April 29, 2024 at 11:59pmnomination period for AY24-25 Dissertation Year Fellowships has closed. Nominations for AY25-26 DYFs will be accepted in Spring 2025.



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title2024-2025 Awardees

Read the campus announcement

2024 Fletcher Jones Fellowship:

Abushawish Ahmed - Biological Sciences

2024 President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship:

Joanmarie Banez-Clancy - Literature

Mia Borzello - Cognitive Sciences

Daniel Rios - Ethnic Studies

Wade Shipley - Materials Science & Engineering

Erik Szwed - Physics

2024 Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship:

Christine Stephen - Chemistry and Biochemistry

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title2023-2024 Awardees

Read the campus announcement

2023 Fletcher Jones Fellowship:

Hoang Nguyen, Chemistry and Biochemistry

2023 President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship:

Mariela Declet Perez, Anthropology

Abigail Teitgen, Bioengineering

Laura Becerra, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rachel Fox, Communication

Jessica Aguilar, Literature

2023 Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship:

Xiang Ji, Physics


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title2019-2020 Awardees

2019 Fletcher Jones Fellowship:

Ellen Yelena Gluzman, Communication

2019 President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship: 

Amy Kennemore, Anthropology

William Ricardo Valdez, Bioengineering

Riley Taitingfong, Communication

Olivia Quintanilla, Ethnic Studies

Julian Ramirez, Nano-engineering

Osinachi Ajoku, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Marye Anne Fox Endowed Fellowship:

Bayan Abusneineh, Ethnic Studies

Yanqi Luo, Nano-engineering

titleCampus Notices about Dissertation Year Fellowships