Welcome to the Financial Analytics Community of Practice! Both Cognos,Tableau and other tool users are invited. This Community of Practice is a great place to get your questions answered and see real examples of how financial data is used at UCSD.
Monthly meetings: Every 2nd Friday at 10:00am. Email busintel@ucsd.edu for an invite.
Having issues? email busintel@ucsd.edu.
Burning questions? Slack the COP at UCSD Analytics #finah_cop
Great enhancement Ideas? User Echo or email busintel@ucsd.edu
Want to keep up on Financial Analytics news? Join our mail list: https://mailman.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/financial-analytics-cop-l
Someone you know need access? FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
Welcome to the Financial Analytics Community of Practice! Both Cognos,Tableau and other tool users are invited. This Community of Practice is a great place to get your questions answered and see real examples of how financial data is used at UCSD.
Monthly meetings: Every 2nd Friday at 10:00am. Email busintel@ucsd.edu for an invite.
Having issues? email busintel@ucsd.edu.
Burning questions? Slack the COP at UCSD Analytics #finah_cop
Great enhancement Ideas? User Echo or email busintel@ucsd.edu
Want to keep up on Financial Analytics news? Join our mail list: https://mailman.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/financial-analytics-cop-l
Someone you know need access? FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers