What is included in Phase 1
Views in focus:
SAH-Enrollment-View & SAH-EnrollmentCensus-View
SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View & SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View
SAH-Retention-View & SAH-RetentionCensus-View
SAH-RetentionDetail-View & SAH-RetentionDetailCensus-View
Expanded records now included
Current PROD
All records from ISIS and Med Hub (clinical residents).
Includes records for admissions where the person never actually registered for classes.
Historical to 2004
New QA
All records where the person has ever had a registration status, been a clinical resident, or received a degree.
No historical filter. All records from ISIS meeting the above condition are included.
ITS Validation of Changes
The BIA team with assistance from volunteers performed the following change validation:
All records were compared to SAH production, discrepancies were identified and either resolved or included in the changes above.