Post Kuali go-live - shuffling resources to Finance
What do we need help with?
What do we need help with?
Requests for:
Downstream: A dedicated BSA who focuses on translating project information to the downstream teams. E.g. data knowledge collection, interfaces and usage like the Recharge for Finance, etc.
App remediation: A dedicated BSA who reviews and ensures major ITS core services are remediated for Go Live. E.g. AD and Mail DB
Finance Integrations: BSAs to help write requirements for integrations, reports
The lack of BSAs during design contributed to the documentation debt / fatigue / decision amnesia we are battling now
The decision to adopt “best practice” from Deloitte vs doing a current state landscape has also resulted in business needs that are surfacing now in testing and creating not insignificant design oscillations and subsequent risks
Development / Platform:
UCPath: More GoAnywhere/GoCEMLI trained developers. We only have 1 person remaining to support GoAnywhere, Thuan, given that Joe and Steven are both overloaded with other work
UCPath: A developer who can support Doug Meserve’s setups of the scheduler and establish more robust training and procedure documentation
QA / Test Cases Development:
UCPath & Finance: A GA/OFC SME who can support the Payroll team’s financial GL and PPM integration and test case development
Finance: Mitigate lack of tool, a need a resource that can use excel proficiently for manumation (need for next week)
OCM including training
UCPath: OCM resources to help coach and plan transition activities for the 8 different department Service Owners involved in UCPath (they’ve been given the checklist, but is that enough?
A dedicated NiFi coach to teach and assist the downstream remediation developers learning. UCPath lost resource to remediate the HR Onboarding application necessary at Go Live
How much of their time?
As mush as possible
For how long?
Until the dust settles (post Finance go-live)
Claudio to support NiFi and Ipaas. I've just heard NiFi has been going down for weeks while the single point of failure is in Asia