Welcome to the Employee Analytics Community of Practice! Both Cognos,Tableau and other tool users are invited. This Community of Practice is a great place to get your questions answered and see real examples of how employee data is used at UCSD.
Monthly meetings: By invite only, must have access to EAH. Email busintel@ucsd.edu for an invite.
Having issues? email busintel@ucsd.edu
Burning questions? Slack the COP at UCSD Analytics #eah_cop
Great enhancement Ideas? User Echo or email busintel@ucsd.edu
Want to keep up on Employee Analytics news? Join our mail list: https://mailman.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/employeeanalytics-cop-l or watch the /wiki/spaces/EAH/overview page for announcements.
Helpful Links:
Looking for pre-built report from EAH? https://reports.ucsd.edu (access required)
Want to invite other teammates to be an Employee report developer? Send your teammate this form to request access to EAH: Employee Activity Hub Report Developer Access Request form
Looking for EAH data integration? /wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881
Looking to search all the EAH views and fields? EAH FCVs and Fields
Looking for Cognos or Tableau training using EAH data? /wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/11175625