Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Welcome | Kal / All | |
These sessions | Kal / All |
When are we going to back to campus? | Kal |
The above is then evaluated to ensure that all of the safety mechanisms are in place. Based on this, a decision will be made if a group can come back. BUT - there is a push to reduce the density of people on campus and if you can do your work from home, likely we will be. |
Performance Evals | Kal |
FROM RASHMI'S EMAIL Good afternoon ITS Staff, As you know, the 2019-2020 performance appraisal cycle was delayed to the fall. The new deadline has been announced and all employee self-appraisals are due by 5:00pm on Monday, August 31, 2020. The appraisal period will cover May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020. Per my recent email communication, the UCSD online Staff Performance Appraisal (SPA) system is now available and you can login to check out the new interface. I am still waiting for some backend programming for ITS appraisals to be completed so that you can access your self-appraisalin SPA and I will send a follow-up email as soon as that is ready to go. I have attached a sample of the appraisal form; this is also available in the web based training in UC Learning Center. For those of you who started and/or completed working on your self-appraisal on an offline document, you can copy/paste the content into the system at that time. If you have not started to work on your self-appraisal offline, I’d encourage you to do this so that you can quickly copy/paste the content into SPA when your self-appraisal is available. A few reminders regarding the self-appraisal:
I hope that you are able to attend one of the SPA System Overview and Q&A staff sessions I scheduled for ITS staff. There was yesterday morning (with about 160 in attendance!) and two more sessions scheduled next week; I have attached the email communication I had sent out regarding these sessions.
PMO Project Request process | Kal / Paul | |
Slack Transition to Teams | All | MS Team for IT Services Team: IT Services Purpose: Keep IT Services (ITS) connected, informed, engaged and nurture a teamwork culture Audience: ITS staff Owner: SMT, Comms, HR, Admin Member management: HR or Admin team adds/removes members via HR onboarding/offboarding processes. Membership is limited to ITS staff only. Channels (examples):
MS Team for Projects Team: One for each project Purpose: Keep project teams connected, informed, engaged and nurture a teamwork culture Audience: Project core team and stakeholders Owner: PM / Core Team members Member Management: PM and core team to add / remover members. Membership is open to all - including vendors. Channels:
Project Portfolio Prioritization and PM assignments | Kal | |
Requirements / Design OTL & Templates | Kal | |
What is on your mind? | All | |
Future topics |