AM - Amnesty
AP - Approved Petition
AS - AsyleeOT - Other
PR - Permanent Resident
RF - Refugee
Click Save.
You will be brought back to the main Query page. Be sure to drag the OR option in and parentheses from the filter tools into the filters that you have created. If you would like to only query for applicants that have submitted and paid, you may further narrow this down as well by adding in more filters.
International Applicants
The process to filter for International Applicants is slightly different. You are still going to choose "Citizenship Status" and "Visa Type" for your filter options. However, for the "Citizenship Type" you will choose "Foreign National."
After saving the "Visa Type" filter, drag in the " OR " option in and parentheses from the filter tool in between the "Citizenship Status" filter and the "Visa Type" filtertools into the filters that you have created. Again, you may also add additional filters to find only the submitted applicants that have paid or received a fee waiver.