Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Went into Production on Friday 11/6
The Financial analytics mailist received notification that UAT had ended.
Welcome to the Financial Analytics Community of Practice! Both Users of Cognos, Tableau and other tool users are invited. This reporting and analytics tools using financial data are invited to join the Financial Analytics Community of Practice (Financial Analytics CoP). This community is a great place to get have your questions answered and see real examples of how financial data is used at UCSD.
Monthly meetings: Every 2nd Friday of the Month at 10:00am. Email busintel@ucsd.edu for an invite.
Having issues? email busintel@ucsd.edu.
Burning questions? Teams > UCSD Analytics COP > Financial Analytics Community of Practice
Great enhancement Ideas? email busintel@ucsd.edu
Want to keep up on Financial Analytics news? Join our mail list: https://mailman.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/financial-analytics-cop-l
Someone you know need access? FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
Want to watch a prior session? OneDrive > Financial Analytics CoP
title | 2021-05-14 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
2021-05-14 10am
Jira Legacy | ||||||
20210506 FINAH Start UAT Release Notes
Fields being retired - are you getting ready?
Expenses discussion
General Ledger vs PPM
Equipment is an Asset. The Managerial Hierarchy only includes revenue and expenses. It doesn’t include assets or liabilities.
The Managerial Hierarchy are taking some transfer account codes that are expenses in the Standard Hierarchy (in GL) and reclassifying them as resources in the Managerial Hierarchy.
PPM doesn’t have revenue.
UCSD General Ledger doesn’t have Managerial Hierarchy.
3 New fields to go with Managerial Hierarchy
Indirect Cost
Direct Cost
Total Cost
Would these be new fields or a new level?
How would the GL to PPM reconciliation view connect GL to PPM?
Karen Gerstoft; Lindsey Root; Daniel Redfern; Heather Sears; Nirvana Navarro; Anna Altman; Hang Phung; Isabella Parkinson; Adefante; Moh
title | 2021-04-09 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
2021-04-09 10am
Jira Legacy | ||||||
20210408 FINAH Start UAT Release Notes
Renaming & Deprecation
New fields
Process Improvements for FINAH-ProjectCosts-View
title | 2021-03-12 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
2021-03-12 10am
Jira Legacy | ||||||
In FINAH-UCSDGeneral Ledger-View data package what does signed mean?
Could you explain what a null value in CBO Account Hierarchy L2 means?
Drill through
-Also in the Cognos CoP and Tableau CoP
How to connect two reports so that you can build a (1) summary report using a higher level view with less details and passing parameters to a (2) detail report that is filtered by the parameters so that it performs better.
Cognos filter to ask Target Detail report to listen for parameter from another report = [Project] in (?p_Project?)
Examples = Cognos DEV > Team Content > samples > Reports > Drill-through reports.
title | 2021-02-12 Financial COP |
Attendees: Financial Analytics CoP attendees.xlsx
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
2021-02-12 10am
Jira Legacy | ||||||
FINAH-ProjectCost-View Quick Start Guide
Cognos automatically does this for you but you can change the measure aggregation to 'none' in order to see the lowest grain.
Tableau aggregates for all the rows in the data, you have to use a Level of Detail calculations to tell Tableau what to sum and what to ignore.
{FIXED [Award Number],[Project Code], [Task ID], [Expenditure Category], [Expenditure Budget Period ID] : AVG([Task Budget Period Budget Amount])}
Aggregations in Cognos
demo - must be created by the report developer
Top 15 Tableau LOD Expressions: https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/LOD-expressions
Overview: How Level of Detail Expressions Work in Tableau: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/calculations_calculatedfields_lod_overview.htm
Aggregate Functions in Tableau: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/calculations_calculatedfields_aggregate_create.htm
Tableau's Order of Operations: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/order_of_operations.htm
Additional detail has been added to FINAH-ProjectCosts-View in order to reduce the amount of blending needed, but it does require additional report development in order to ensure correct totals. What grain do you really need? BIA can add measures to that view so that both tools automatically total at the level you want if you user a higher-grain view.
Send enhancement requests to busintel@ucsd.edu.
Next month: drill through
-Also in the Cognos CoP and Tableau CoP
title | 2021-01-08 Financial COP |
Attendees: Financial Analytics CoP 2021-01-08.xlsx
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
2021-01-08 10am
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Tableau training has already completed. This is the last of the Cognos trainings from the vendor.
ITS-BIA will still provide training for Cognos and Tableau but not in the 3-level, full day sessions. Please email busintel@ucsd.edu to request training for your team (5-10 people).
You can also find contact information for the vendor on the training page and reach out to the vendor to purchase training or mentorship hours from them directly.
Home: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/index.html
BI Users: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/users/index.html
BI Tools: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/tools/index.html
Cognos training: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/tools/cognos/index.html#Training
Tableau training: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/tools/tableau/index.html#Training
Community of Practice: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/communities/index.html
Analytics Community of Practice (COP) home: Analytics Community of Practice (ACP) Home
FinAH COP meeting notes: Financial Analytics Community of Practice
FinAH Bugs & Enhancements: FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress
FinAH Quick Start Guide: FINAH Quick Start Guide
Financial Activity Hub home: /wiki/spaces/FinAH/overview
Jira Legacy | ||||||
title | 2020-12-11 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Budget re-occuring and one-time, plan and resource allocations - Currently in development to be added to FINAH, BIA is working with OFC and FIS
Needed at the project level, available in 2021 data but null for 2020
Oracle > UCSD Budget vs Actual
Oracle > UCSD Net Operating Results and Fund Balance Report
demo by Maria
We are trying to get the "carry forward" amounts to show up in reports with no luck. It is not on the new EBS report. Do you have a way to get it on a Cognos report?
Maria: FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View > Account 1 Code and Name = "3000AA-Net Position/Fund Balance" use with Transaction Signed Amount, matches GL carry forward
Maria: key field CBO Account Hierarchy L3 Code and Name
Maria: Oracle > UCSD Net Operating Results and Fund Balance Report
Isabella: FINAH-Project-View > Account
Heather: June Expenses
Page name has changed so any bookmarks will need to be updated.
We are always looking to improve our documentation in order to support you, let us know if there is anything we should add.
title | 2020-11-13 Financial COP |
Attendees: Sarah Parnell, Sama Hosseini, Monica Mar, Anna Nordeen, Ellen Sanders, Emely Dominguez, Eric Del Rosario, Eva Thiveos, Gina Sunda, Gonzalo Urrutia, Hannah Van Etten, Heather Sears, Isabella Parkinson, Jason Yates, Jillian Kochan, John Hamilton, Kenny Valdivia, Lori Barry, Maria Obtera, Mark Walker, Russia Madden, Steven Lakes, Tami Stein, Tong Yoo
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Went into Production on Friday 11/6
The Financial analytics mailist received notification that UAT had ended.
If FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress appears blank to you then you haven't used Jira yet. You can request Jira access here: https://ucsdservicedesk.service-now.com/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
The FINAH-ProjectCost-View does not contain Awards/Project/Tasks with no expenditures.
We will be updating this with $0 for Awards/Project/Tasks with no expenditures.
The Financial Activity Hub Steering Committee will help shape the priorities and enhancements of the Financial Activity Hub by performing data quality checks; providing feedback to BIA, and participating in regular FAH Steering Committee meetings.
Details here: FINAH Steering Committee
Email saparnell@ucsd.edu to volunteer for your group.
See Financial Measures example 20201030 FINAH UAT Start Notes
Tableau Level of Detail examples = https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/LOD-expressions
title | 2020-10-09 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going into UAT on Wednesday 10/14: FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress
The Financial analytics mailist will receive notification that UAT has started.
Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > Financial Activity Hub Packages UAT using Hana QA
Tableau QA > Financial Activity Hub > FinAH Data Sources - UAT, each data source will say -QA and be pointed at Hana QA
If FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress appears blank to you then you haven't used Jira yet. You can request Jira access here: https://ucsdservicedesk.service-now.com/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
BIA recommends you use the UCSD Expanded Budget Summary Report from Oracle directly.
In Oracle go to Reports and Analytics > Browse Catalog > Search for "Expanded Budget" > Look for the one with the report icon and add it to your favorites
- Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > FINAH Data Sources – UAT to build your report and select Hana QA. Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail. Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data.
- Tableau: Sign into Tableau QA on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report. Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title. Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data.
- Hana QA: FINAH data in Hana QA is production Oracle data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.
- UCSD pays for the Tableau server so that customers can see the reports you build them
- To build a report your department will need to purchase you a license and maintenance: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/tools/tableau/index.html#Licensing
title | 2020-09-11 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going into UAT on Monday 9/14: FINAH-ProjectPersonRole-View, FINAH-Award-View, FINAH-FinancialUnit-View, enhancement to FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View
The Financial analytics mailist will receive notification that UAT has started.
Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > FINAH - UAT
Tableau QA > Financial Activity Hub > FinAH Data Sources - UAT
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609469 and then email busintel@ucsd.edu to request being a FINAH Developer.
- Working with FIS to automate the access process so that FINAH access is incorporated into their Oracle BI Access request form.
Need access to the ACOP Training page? Ask for SNOW Confluence access here: https://ucsdservicedesk.service-now.com/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b
Irvin & Kathy are using Oracle > General Accounting Dashboard > Inquiry and Analyze Balances
In order to see the GeneralLedger data within Oracle you'll need access to General Accounting Dashboard > Inquiry and Analyze Balances
title | 2020-08-14 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going live with Production data in Hana Production / Cognos Production / Tableau Production this weekend for FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View.
Data will be reloaded from Oracle Production daily between 6:30am-6:31am.
Later release will include sub-ledger information.
List of planned FINAH views here: /wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609469 and then email busintel@ucsd.edu to request being a FINAH Developer.
- Working with FIS to automate the access process so that FINAH access is incorporated into their Oracle BI Access request form.
Do you all want Hana Test to have Oracle Test data or Oracle Production data?
- Hana Test with Oracle Test data means you can go into Oracle Test and change data and then see those changes in Hana QA the next day.
- Hana Test with Oracle Prod data means you can do any UAT against Hana Prod data.
Will send out survey to see how the community votes.
use at UC San Diego.
Financial Analytics CoP Resources
Monthly meetings Meetings are online at 10 a.m. on the 2nd Friday of every month. Contact busintel@ucsd.edu to be added to the invitation.
See Prior Meeting Sessions Financial Analytics CoP
Financial Data Issues Contact busintel@ucsd.edu.
Burning Questions Chat with data experts on the Financial Analytics Community of Practice
New Enhancement Ideas Send your ideas to busintel@ucsd.edu
Keep up on Financial Analytics News Subscribe by joining the Financial Analytics Community of Practice Google Group at https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/ucsd.edu/g/FinancialAnalyticsCoP-g
For Financial Data Access Go to FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
Oracle Financial Cloud References
Oracle procurement Glossary: https://blink.ucsd.edu/
finance/fisproject/fin-training.html#Training-Office-Hours-Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting. Starting today the BIA will be joining the Oracle BI & Financial Reporting office hours to answer an FINAH questions.
title | 2020-07-10 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
With the success of the RAH go live and EAH go live, we are disappointed to be behind schedule with FINAH. After consideration of year end close in IFIS, current stabilization of Oracle and remaining work needed to release the Financial Activity Hub, we estimate that the first wave of Financial Activity Hub will be launched on August 15, 2020.
Our goal is to go live with Wave 1 on August 15th with General Ledger and Advancement (STAR report) data in FINAH and Wave 2 on August 31st with PPM and Budget data.
User acceptance testing (UAT) started on July 9th with a small set of Beta Testers. As part of UAT we are gaining clarity on the needs around Budget data, Account Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP). As FINAH development progresses we'll be able to include more users in UAT so that report development can being prior to go live.
Optional Cognos and Tableau training with FINAH data starts July 29 and extends through September 17. Oracle access with a role of UCSD BI Consumer JR is a per-requsite to signing up for the Cognos / Tableau training.
For more details about FINAH see https://esr.ucsd.edu/projects/activity-hubs/financial/index.html
- Beta testing group = /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609839
- Working with data form Oracle test instance
- Focus on FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View =Financial Activity Hub FCVs and Fields
- Those interested in being a Beta Tester contact saparnell@ucsd.edu
On the Oracle & Concur Access Request (Temporary Form) note the following:
- You can select more than one option for most questions. You should be able to fill out this form just once and request all roles and departments you need.
- Use Standard Roles = UCSD BI Consumer JR (w/ 1hr training)
- Use Elevated roles if you want to build reports in Oracle.
- The second to last question is where you can indicate departments you need access to that are not your own.
Budget & Finance Glossary: https://blink.ucsd.edu/finance
/fis-projectfin-training.html#Live-Virtual-Instructor-Led-ClaLook for Oracle: BI Tools for Report Consumers
Where to find Oracle Office Hours for reporting https://blink.ucsd.edufinance/fis-project/fin-.html#Training-Office-Hours-Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting
1) We haven't built that yet.
2) It will be posted to our How to Get AH Data Page for both Report Developers and Data integration developers. Financial Activity Hub FCVs and Fields
title | 2020-06-12 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
On the Oracle & Concur Access Request (Temporary Form) note the following:
- You can select more than one option for most questions. You should be able to fill out this form just once and request all roles and departments you need.
- Use Standard Roles = UCSD BI Consumer JR (w/ 1hr training)
- Use Elevated roles if you want to build reports in Oracle.
- The second to last question is where you can indicate departments you need access to that are not your own.
Fund Glossary PDF: https://blink.ucsd.edu/_files/finance
/fisproject/fin-training.html#Live-Virtual-Instructor-Led-ClaLook for Oracle: BI Tools for Report Consumers
Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting
Oracle Roles | Access to FinAH Data? | Access to Develop Reports with FinAH? | Access to other team's folders? |
| Automatically get access to FinAH data as a Consumer | Will need to request Report Developer access to FinAH including Dept/Supervisor approval. | Folder Owner / Report Developer Discretion |
| Automatically gets access to FinAH data as a Report Developer | Automatically gets access to FinAH as a Report Developer | Folder Owner / Report Developer Discretion |
More information: Access and Security
- Users as assuming they have access and clicking on report
- Cognos error message and redirect is confusing
- Having to fill out the form multiple times to just get DOPE report is confusing.
UCSD's Invoicing & Payment Strategy Glossary: https://blink.ucsd.edu
title | 2020-11-13 Financial COP |
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
title | 2020-10-09 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going into UAT on Wednesday 10/14: FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress
The Financial analytics mailist will receive notification that UAT has started.
Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > Financial Activity Hub Packages UAT using Hana QA
Tableau QA > Financial Activity Hub > FinAH Data Sources - UAT, each data source will say -QA and be pointed at Hana QA
If FINAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress appears blank to you then you haven't used Jira yet. You can request Jira access here: https://ucsdservicedesk.service-now.com/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: FINAH Access for Developers and Consumers
BIA recommends you use the UCSD Expanded Budget Summary Report from Oracle directly.
In Oracle go to Reports and Analytics > Browse Catalog > Search for "Expanded Budget" > Look for the one with the report icon and add it to your favorites
- Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > FINAH Data Sources – UAT to build your report and select Hana QA. Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail. Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data.
- Tableau: Sign into Tableau QA on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report. Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title. Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data.
- Hana QA: FINAH data in Hana QA is production Oracle data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.
Research Administration Glossary: https://blink.ucsd.edu/
title | 2020-09-11 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going into UAT on Monday 9/14: FINAH-ProjectPersonRole-View, FINAH-Award-View, FINAH-FinancialUnit-View, enhancement to FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View
The Financial analytics mailist will receive notification that UAT has started.
Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > FINAH - UAT
Tableau QA > Financial Activity Hub > FinAH Data Sources - UAT
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609469 and then email busintel@ucsd.edu to request being a FINAH Developer.
- Working with FIS to automate the access process so that FINAH access is incorporated into their Oracle BI Access request form.
Need access to the ACOP Training page? Ask for SNOW Confluence access here: https://ucsdservicedesk.service-now.com/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=9af5d148db514450008c9837db96190b
Irvin & Kathy are using Oracle > General Accounting Dashboard > Inquiry and Analyze Balances
In order to see the GeneralLedger data within Oracle you'll need access to General Accounting Dashboard > Inquiry and Analyze Balances
title | 2020-08-14 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
Going live with Production data in Hana Production / Cognos Production / Tableau Production this weekend for FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View.
Data will be reloaded from Oracle Production daily between 6:30am-6:31am.
Later release will include sub-ledger information.
List of planned FINAH views here: /wiki/spaces/AH/pages/12487881
- Must be an Oracle BI user with at least the UCSD BI Consumer JR role. See details here: /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609469 and then email busintel@ucsd.edu to request being a FINAH Developer.
- Working with FIS to automate the access process so that FINAH access is incorporated into their Oracle BI Access request form.
Do you all want Hana Test to have Oracle Test data or Oracle Production data?
- Hana Test with Oracle Test data means you can go into Oracle Test and change data and then see those changes in Hana QA the next day.
- Hana Test with Oracle Prod data means you can do any UAT against Hana Prod data.
Will send out survey to see how the community votes.
Concur Travel & Expense Glossary: https://blink.ucsd.edu/
Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting. Starting today the BIA will be joining the Oracle BI & Financial Reporting office hours to answer an FINAH questions.
title | 2020-07-10 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
With the success of the RAH go live and EAH go live, we are disappointed to be behind schedule with FINAH. After consideration of year end close in IFIS, current stabilization of Oracle and remaining work needed to release the Financial Activity Hub, we estimate that the first wave of Financial Activity Hub will be launched on August 15, 2020.
Our goal is to go live with Wave 1 on August 15th with General Ledger and Advancement (STAR report) data in FINAH and Wave 2 on August 31st with PPM and Budget data.
User acceptance testing (UAT) started on July 9th with a small set of Beta Testers. As part of UAT we are gaining clarity on the needs around Budget data, Account Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP). As FINAH development progresses we'll be able to include more users in UAT so that report development can being prior to go live.
Optional Cognos and Tableau training with FINAH data starts July 29 and extends through September 17. Oracle access with a role of UCSD BI Consumer JR is a per-requsite to signing up for the Cognos / Tableau training.
For more details about FINAH see https://esr.ucsd.edu/projects/activity-hubs/financial/index.html
- Beta testing group = /wiki/spaces/FinAH/pages/53609839
- Working with data form Oracle test instance
- Focus on FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View =Financial Activity Hub FCVs and Fields
- Those interested in being a Beta Tester contact saparnell@ucsd.edu
On the Oracle & Concur Access Request (Temporary Form) note the following:
- You can select more than one option for most questions. You should be able to fill out this form just once and request all roles and departments you need.
- Use Standard Roles = UCSD BI Consumer JR (w/ 1hr training)
- Use Elevated roles if you want to build reports in Oracle.
- The second to last question is where you can indicate departments you need access to that are not your own.
Look for Oracle: BI Tools for Report Consumers
Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting
1) We haven't built that yet.
2) It will be posted to our How to Get AH Data Page for both Report Developers and Data integration developers. Financial Activity Hub FCVs and Fields
title | 2020-06-12 Financial COP |
Date, Time, Jira Time Tracking
On the Oracle & Concur Access Request (Temporary Form) note the following:
- You can select more than one option for most questions. You should be able to fill out this form just once and request all roles and departments you need.
- Use Standard Roles = UCSD BI Consumer JR (w/ 1hr training)
- Use Elevated roles if you want to build reports in Oracle.
- The second to last question is where you can indicate departments you need access to that are not your own.
How to Understand and Update Oracle (OFC) Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Project Personnel (w/ table of roles): https://support.ucsd.edu/services?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0033293
BI & Financial Reports (Blink): https://blink.ucsd.edu/finance/
Look for Oracle: BI Tools for Report Consumers
Look for Oracle BI & Financial Reporting
Oracle Roles | Access to FinAH Data? | Access to Develop Reports with FinAH? | Access to other team's folders? |
| Automatically get access to FinAH data as a Consumer | Will need to request Report Developer access to FinAH including Dept/Supervisor approval. | Folder Owner / Report Developer Discretion |
| Automatically gets access to FinAH data as a Report Developer | Automatically gets access to FinAH as a Report Developer | Folder Owner / Report Developer Discretion |
More information: Access and Security
- Users as assuming they have access and clicking on report
- Cognos error message and redirect is confusing
- Having to fill out the form multiple times to just get DOPE report is confusing.