many to many relationships that don’t map out cleanly
it’s a receivables module
Ying and Moh can access
PPM contract has receivables data in it already
send out invoices and we get paid
1 receipt can pay 1 part of invoice
1 receipt can pay multiple invoices
issue credit memos that reverse invoices and invoice doesn’t get paid
grain will be really important and how we’ll divide up the views
Maruthi and Heather are doing these KPIs manually right now
let me know what your # of hours
Health Sciences also wants this data in the hub
data fields will have overlap with contract and contract revenue views
Alamuri, Maruthi will pull together roughly how many Financial AR fields are needed to be added to FinAH
Alamuri, Maruthi will let Mindy know total number of hours spent on manually doing KPIs
Ecotime in EAH
HireOnline in EAH
integration phase
Deprecation of legacy systems
add to MTC SOW - BSA?
full scope? Mindy’s scheduling sync with Brett, Judy and Nathalie
Judy will FU with Vince whether all should belong in AH or not
Cognos - plan to go to Cloud
Advancement - citizen developers - OTL for 2026
db2- legacy employee and financial - does it belong in HANA?
Invenio SOW?
Shayan and Kevin discussing IP
can we start in good faith in meantime?
still need detailed OTL
payroll account table change
Andy, Ying, ADIS
“under the covers” logic changes
new S2T mapping
Andy needs to redo underlying views so that the FCV produces same output
no BI work needed
impacts labor ledger tables
impacts Nathalie’s team
UCOP wants to go live by Nov 2025
when are they planning to start?
continue updating and extracting from DDODS?
integrators switch to EAH?
Mindy add to EAH agenda to discuss with Andy
Mindy add to HANA sync to discuss w/ Nathalie
Ecotime in EAH
maybe (~900 hrs)
OTL / project timeline
IR contract (MTC)
fixed price bid
UCSD needs to provide back to MTC
Phase 3
Can any tasks be started now?
check with Kenny if any of the BVs impacts the Nov app views that Sama’s working on
Validation phase 2
BIA is validating CVs as they become available in DEV
helps with catching issues early so won’t be replicated elsewhere
less validation needed when we enter official QA phase
Outstanding OTLs for Erin
Maximo in FACAH
Jira in RAH
possible joint budget ask from RMP and OCGA
next fiscal yr - July 2025- July 2026
Michael Weinfeld submitted a ticket for AP data (Academic Personnel)
not part of ESR
would need to be prioritized after TSS go live
what happens if TSS go live slips? What are the backlogged projects' dependent on ?
need data steward to prioritize for each hub
3 yr need vs 1 yr
contract employee (not PO)
would be a view developer / architect
Bhavya’s moving into BI role
Mindy check on data sizing and OTLs for Maximo, Jira (Ernesto/Nicole), Slate Grad (Jonathan?), uAchieve (Jonathan), Financial AR data (Heather), AP Online (Andreas), FSPT