Still expected projects, but charters not yet received:
EVC instructional research - safe access to data; expected in 4 wks (research)
Another month expected - PM will be needed
AD architecture migration - will fund a consultant (security)
Should be isolated to the AD team, and a contractor can support
Can support the EIM project, but should not pull from that project team
Lived Name workstreams may need additional support, tbd
Will populate lived named records for AD
Security side of lived name will be primarily change management - who will do the OCM?
Can this be embedded into the larger OCM efforts of the Lived Name project?
Unlikely, as the task force is pushing the changes down to the process owning depts; EDI office may be able to provide some of the language around why we need to make this technical change, but who drives that communication effort and the drafting
ITS kick off and organization of the effort with business process owners - SMT attends; Mojgan, Mike, Kevin required and others optional (2-230 slot)
Define what is technical work vs OCM needed that we need help from the business on - John Lane
Is there a dept (EDI? HR?) that can run lead on OCM
Kevin Chou reaching out to determine who is doing OCM and comms for Lived Name
SecOps manager (Dalton Brown) started; connecting with him next week to get him plugged in on ops work - issue in gathering time on patching work has been that teams are all tracking differently, so will be great to have him engaged to help wrangle and 'gel' this work
This is underreported, as some folks have been tracking in general maintenance buckets, but here is time YTD on patching work:
Updated to include total remaining time on the project as a column, as well as a calculated time remaining, which can be updated based on inputs at top
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What other reports do you want to see on your area's projects?
What about services and enhancements?
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4ups for all high priority projects and any red projects