Kuali Build Integration

Kuali Build Integration

Information about Kuali Build integration with ServiceNow

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  • Suggestions and feedback welcome, BOTS-Team@ucsd.edu


In some cases, the front-end form is created in Kuali Build instead of ServiceNow, whether for speed, ease of updates, or intricate workflows. The form is sent to ServiceNow and becomes a Case (ticket) upon arrival. For users, the experience is nearly identical: fill out a form, a SNOW ticket is created and assigned to the business office.

Form Submitter Instructions

When the business office form originates in Kuali Build (KB), the submitter may view their submissions in the Kuali Build Submissions dashboard.

    • Edits to current or closed SNOW Case/tickets are not performed in Kuali Build.
    • Status = “Complete”  This means the KB form has been sent to SNOW to become a case/ticket.

Duplicate & Edit a Submission

For any form that has been submitted, you have the option to 'Duplicate and Edit' the original file for another submission.

To duplicate a previous submission, navigate to your 'Submissions' and select the 'kebab menu' (vertical 3 dots) in the 'Actions' column. Select 'Duplicate and Edit'.

Edit applicable areas of the Kuali Build form, attach any new files and submit the new information.