CCR Risk Log

CCR Risk Log

Risk Mitigation Sessions: CCR-110 - Getting issue details... STATUS


key type summary risk or issue status probability impact assignee


There may be external circumstances or events that cannot occur for the project to be successful. If you believe such an event has potential to occur then it could be a risk. Identifying something as a risk increases its visibility, and allows a proactive risk management plan to be put into place. If an event is within control of the project team, such as having testing complete by a certain date, then it is not a risk. If an event has 100 percent chance of occurring, then it is not a risk, since there is no "likelihood" or risk involved (it is just a fact). This event is an 'Issue'.

Types of Mitigation

avoidance, mitigation, transfer, and acceptance


Issues are major problems that can impede the project. Issues are situations that have already occurred and must be resolved to make forward progress with the project. Issues should be flagged, documented and raised for discussion with the owner and escalated as necessary until issue is resolved.  Issue resolution owner is required to determine the end resolution, but may not be the one person that takes the specific action to resolve the issue.

Risk Matrix Legend


Low Impact - 1

Medium Impact - 2

High Impact - 3


Low Impact - 1

Medium Impact - 2

High Impact - 3

High Probability - 3

Medium Probability - 2

Low Probability - 1

Risk Matrix Score

Multiply Probability by Impact (P x I)

Example: Probability 3, Impact 2. Score = 6