CCR Communications Plan

CCR Communications Plan


Create general awareness among PIs and administrators regarding CCR and provoke certification submissions. 


Primary: All Principal Investigators (PIs) at UC San Diego (including Health Sciences)

Secondary: High risk labs; Distributed tech community, Deans, Chairs, 


Have all PIs complete certification by Dec. 31, 2022 

General Approach

  • Communicate frequently via Chairs and Deans and distributed tech community 
  • Avail ourselves to attend as many department meetings as possible - either existing periodic faculty meetings or on-demand meetings
  • Equip chairs, deans and distributed tech community to educate their PIs on CCR program and steps to completion 


  • Complete the Cybersecurity for Research Certification (CCR) process. CCR
    • Guides you through simple-yet-effective cybersecurity practices endorsed by the Office of Information Assurance
    • Ensures IT security specialists can provide immediate assistance if a hack or data theft occurs
    • Includes implementation help when you need it 


Related Needs

  • "Scorecard" to track progress and communications effectiveness - to be reviewed periodically (weekly or monthly)
  • DIY PPT for chairs and distributed tech to present at meetings

March 21 - 25


RCI hot topics workshopProgram tutorial and live demo
Mike / Claire


Obtain list of RCI attendees

Mike / Claire


Draft 3/30 follow up email to RCI attendeesReminder to complete certification, email ccr-support@ucsd.edu for help
Mark / Mike / Claire


Draft 3/30 email to deans/ chairs 

Google docs draft

Describe program and urge all PIs to complete 

Inform we're available for department or other meetings 

Emphasize that completing CCR is the best thing they can do to secure their lab and get help if an attack or breach does occur. 

Provide info to forward that:

Mark / Mike


Draft 3/30 email to sysadmin-l

Google docs draft

Mention that we contacted deans and chairs and high-risk labs and we're urging PIs to complete ASAP.

Request to coordinate with chairs/deans to distribute information

Inform of 3/23 RCI workshop and encourage their PIs to attend

Contact Mike or Claire to schedule a specialized workshop for their area

Mark / Mike


Draft 3/30 email to high risk

Google docs draft

Describe CCR and explain why it's extra important to complete (best way to protect lab and be prepared if incident does occur). 

Mention 4/13 RCI workshop

Direct to assure.ucsd.edu and/or ccr-support@ucsd.edu

Mark / Mike


Pull email list of high risk labs

March 28 - April 1


Email deans and chairssee above





Email campus tech community

see above



Email  high risk labs

see above

High risk listMike (Mark email blast program)


Email to 3/23 RCI attendeessee aboveRCI attendeesMike/Claire


Draft 4/6 email to RCI attendeesReminder to complete and email ccr-support@ucsd.edu if assistance needed
April 4 - 8 


Email to RCI attendeesReminder to complete certification


Draft 4/14 email to deans and chairs

Thank for previous support; update on completed certifications.  

Remind we're available for department or other meetings 

Emphasize that completing CCR is the best thing they can do to secure their lab and get help if an attack or breach does occur. 

Provide info to forward that:



Draft 4/14 email to high risk

Thank those who have started process or contact CCR-support@ucsd.edu

Remind of program importance, procedures and how to get help



Draft 4/14 email to sysadmin-l

Reinforce messages to chairs/deans and high risk

Remind we're available for meetings and workshops 


April 11 - April 15


RCI Hot Topics WorkshopProvide program overview and hands-on workshop to complete certification


Obtain list of RCI attendees



Email to Deans and Chairssee above


Email to high risksee above


Email to sysadminsee above 


Draft 4/20 follow up to RCI attendeesThank for attending; encourage to complete; remind to contact ccr-support@uscd.edu
April 18 - 22


Email to RCI attendeesSee above
April 25 - 29


Email to RCI attendeessee above 


Email to 4/13 RCI attendeesReminder to complete certification
Mike / Claire


Draft 5/4 email to RCI attendees

May 2 - 6


Email to 4/13 RCI attendeesFinal reminder 


Draft 5/11 email to deans/chairsRemind about program; provide information to forward; avail ourselves for customized meetings; mention 5/18 workshop


Draft 5/11 email to high riskUrge to complete; remind about help channels; mention 5/18 workshop


Draft 5/11 email to tech communityReinforce deans/chairs email and high risk email 

May 9 - 13


Email to deans chairs

Program update and reminder. 

Mention 5/18 workshop


Email to high risk

Program update and reminder. 

Mention 5/18 workshop


Email to sysadminReinforce deans/chairs and high-risk emails


Draft follow up for 5/18 workshop

May 16 - 20


Conduct how-to workshop


May 23 - 27


Email to 5/18 attendees


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